So, this may not be the biggest card of all time, but let me set it up. I have had a solid hockey and LPGA collection going now for years. Most LPGA stuff is cheap(er) so I don't have a hard time buying what I want, minus the best cards in the series. But with hockey, something I've wanted for literally over a decade was a Terry Sawchuk Memorabilia card. They aren't extremely expensive I know, but I could never spend $20+ on a non-Sabre when it comes to hockey. So, I went with out a Sawchuk card for years. Well, last week, I found a card, that was extremely unexpected. Not only did it have Sawchuk on it, but it tied DIRECTLY into my LPGA collection. I never DREAMED of finding a dual mem. card of hockey/golf, let alone two people that I specifically wanted. Card across multiple sports are rare these days, and finding one with two players I love and admire was unbelievable. And its numbered out of 19 to boot!!! Got it for $21.00 shipped.

I fall more in love with In The Game every day it seems...

Like I said, not the priciest card, but not many cards can branch the gap between two different PC's from different sports, so I nearly freaked out and needed to get it. Thanks for looking!