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Scott Ruffcorn Addresses Report   Sport: Baseball

Player overall success: 95%

   Only registered members on SCF forum can view addresses
and use the TTMM application to track what they sent!

Address success percentage: 89%    
Total number of submission on this address: 38
# of Success: 33  # of Failed: 4  # of Pending: 1
Added by:levi   Added on: 09-23-2011
NameDate MailedDate ReceivedStatusDaysRatioCommentImage
Vercingetorix 03-08-202203-26-2022Failure 171/1RTS. unable to forward 
Centre 02-15-202203-03-2022Failure 162/0RTS ...not deliverable as addressed ... unable to forward 
dodgers10 12-16-202112-27-2021Failure 114/4RTS-Vacant/unable to foward 
RizzoBryant2016 10-16-202111-04-2021Failure 193/0Sent 3 cards, a letter and a sase. RTS - NOT DELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED - UTF 
white_rabbit 09-25-202110-11-2021Success 161/192 o-pee-chee, thanks a lot Scott 
NYYJMM 08-18-202110-12-2021Success 552/21994 & 1995 Topps signed in blue
Oriolesrise 05-29-202108-21-2021Success 842/292 Pinnacle 95 UD Electric Diamond 
Mmartone 05-28-202106-09-2021Success 121/1Signed Stadium Club RC nicely in Black! Thank you Mr. Ruffcorn!! 
bernst90 05-27-202108-21-2021Success 861/1Signed 1993 Upper Deck 
pedersom 03-25-202104-15-2021Success 212/2  
Danmay55 03-14-202104-15-2021Success 313/3Signed all 3! 
FlyinWV 01-25-202103-04-2021Success 382/2LOR/SASE 92 Gold and 94 Topps - Signed both in blue
Eagles07 01-05-202103-04-2021Success 582/22 1992 Topps. Thank you Scott! 
CRM302 12-04-202003-04-2021Success 901/1Sent 1992 Topps. Signed in blue sharpie. Thanks Mr. Ruffcorn! 
nccards 11-26-202003-21-2021Success 1144/4  
thegonz 11-09-202012-03-2020Success 242/292S, 95Ultra 
ericsagara 11-06-202012-03-2020Success 271/1 
GoStLCards 10-23-202012-03-2020Success 412/2  
Jbutch20 08-31-202012-04-2020Success 951/1  
Centre 06-17-202007-21-2020Success 342/294UD and 94UD (Coll. choice) signed in blue sharpie... Thank You Mr. Ruffcorn 
viper45 06-04-202007-09-2020Success 352/2Signed both cards I sent 
Sdlynch 05-20-201909-12-2019Success 1152/2Got both cards signed in black marker. Thanks Mr. Ruffcon 
crbaughn62 07-26-201804-10-2020Success 6241/1No inscription 
jonnyk 07-17-2018 Pending -1/0  
white_rabbit 07-01-201807-17-2018Success 161/192 classic, thanks a lot Scott 
RobHarrington 04-07-201807-16-2018Success 1002/2Signed two cards in blue Sharpie. 
Schmidty548 03-19-201807-17-2018Success 1201/1Signed my 4x6 postcard
rayrehder 12-28-201703-26-2018Success 871/194 Donruss signed in black sharpie 
bdmorr 09-29-201712-05-2017Success 672/2  
mnbigfoot 07-30-201709-21-2017Success 533/21992 Score and 1992 Topps. Kept 1. Thanks Mr. Ruffcorn!
Foul Bunt 01-27-201702-16-2017Success 204/3Signed my 94 Gold Leaf RC, 94 Classic Foil and 1995 Pinnacle. Kept my 95 UD Predictor. 
mnbigfoot 07-17-201601-07-2017Success 1742/21992 Topps and 1994 Topps. Thanks Mr. Ruffcorn!
docgallie 10-05-201510-29-2015Success 248/3  
magic79 06-11-201510-30-2015Success 1412/2Two cards signed in blue Sharpie 
Musclebeech 03-27-201506-09-2015Success 742/3  
smrbraves 07-15-201409-06-2014Success 531/1my blog 
levi 01-27-201402-06-2014Success 101/11992 Topps for set
levi 07-20-201109-23-2011Success 653/31994 UD 'Star "Rookies," 1994 Score x2 
   Only registered members on SCF forum can view addresses
and use the TTMM application to track what they sent!

Address success percentage: 100%    
Total number of submission on this address: 52
# of Success: 48  # of Failed: 0  # of Pending: 4
Added by:Centre   Added on: 04-14-2022
NameDate MailedDate ReceivedStatusDaysRatioCommentImage
Spinners11 09-04-2024 Pending -4/0  
footballautos 08-24-2024 Pending -1/0  
R. E. Lee 08-19-202408-31-2024Success 126/6  
white_rabbit 08-15-202408-30-2024Success 151/191 classic, thanks a lot Scott 
Jeffrey1108 08-13-2024 Pending -1/0LOR and SASE with one card 
Granman 07-18-202408-05-2024Success 184/4  
rich summa 07-17-202408-10-2024Success 243/391 Classic Best 92 Classic Best 93 Fleer Update 
Treatwilliams 07-10-202408-03-2024Success 241/11992 Topps
bigbenjobu 07-02-202408-03-2024Success 323/2Signed 2 and kept one
StetsonMan 06-11-202406-28-2024Success 174/4Sending a HWLOR along with (4) 1994 Topps future stars cards. Offered him to keep any he wanted. Update- he didnt keep any and returned all 4 signed. I dont think he read my letter just signed them and sent them back, returning my letter also. 
Habs Fan 31 06-09-202407-01-2024Success 221/194 topps - sase hwlor - in black 
Bowler300x2 05-23-202406-28-2024Success 362/292 Topps
Jamesalford23 05-21-202407-01-2024Success 411/1Thank you sir!! 
Flyers27 05-13-202406-29-2024Success 471/1  
StetsonMan 04-29-202405-20-2024Success 212/2Sending a HWLOR along with 1994 & 1995 Topps cards. Update- he returned both cards signed. 
Tomahawks 04-18-202405-20-2024Success 322/22 baseball cards 
klass 04-09-202405-17-2024Success 381/1  
Treatwilliams 04-02-202404-20-2024Success 182/2(2) 1994 Collector’s Choice
Yankeedad69 03-29-202404-15-2024Success 172/292P 92T hwlor sase signed in blue Thanks Scott 
rich summa 03-11-202403-25-2024Success 142/291 Front Row 92 Stadium Club Dome 
jacobpfe 02-07-202403-28-2024Success 491/197 fleer 
Hulkrulz 12-30-202302-06-2024Success 383/3All 3 cards signed in blue Sharpie 
rich summa 12-29-202302-03-2024Success 361/192 Topps 
pulsar861 12-07-202302-02-2024Success 571/11992 Topps signed in blue. Thank you Mr. Ruffcorn. 
Will3119 10-20-202312-15-2023Success 562/2Signed both with a blue sharpie. One smudged. 
sosa0718 09-22-202310-10-2023Success 183/3Sent three cards with letter and SASE; signed all three in blue sharpie! Thanks so much! 
mtool 09-17-202310-10-2023Success 234/3signed 3 cards 
WhiteSoxFan13 08-31-202310-10-2023Success 402/2LOR, SASE, 1992 & 1995 Topps, both signed in blue. 
rowbradfo 08-22-202310-11-2023Success 502/2  
Calebssportscards 08-18-202310-10-2023Success 531/194 Leaf signed 
Tombrady123 07-28-202308-24-2023Success 272/2instagram: @ttmfinn 
rich summa 07-12-202308-21-2023Success 403/392 Topps 94 Donruss 95 Ultra Fleer 
gabsttms 07-11-202308-04-2023Success 242/2@gabsttms on instagram 
NovRains 07-03-202308-05-2023Success 335/3LOR, SASE, '92T, two '94D, two '95F ultra. Offered dupes, which he accepted. Thanks Mr. Ruffcorn! 
Klummp 05-31-202306-21-2023Success 212/22 cards hwlor sase 
rggedglory 05-05-202306-18-2023Success 441/11 card 
crbaughn62 04-13-202305-12-2023Success 292/2no inscription 
dodgers10 12-12-202202-25-2023Success 754/391Front Row 92Classic 95UD kept 97F 
Wildpitch86 11-30-202212-17-2022Success 172/2Sent 1992 Topps and Topps GW cards. 
RobSpires 10-19-202211-26-2022Success 382/2LOR/SASE, 2 cards. Both returned signed 
TribeFan83 10-11-202211-30-2022Success 502/22 signed in black, thanks Mr. Ruffcorn! 
Frankthetank 09-21-202210-17-2022Success 262/2  
Sunday1014 09-21-2022 Pending -3/02 cards 1 sticker 
thegonz 08-04-202210-15-2022Success 724/491FrontRow, 92T, 94UD, 94CC 
AndrewTM Cards 08-03-202210-17-2022Success 751/1Sent a ‘92 Topps Draft Picks. Received back signed in black ink. Thanks Mr. Ruffcorn! 
hockeytown 07-18-202208-03-2022Success 165/4one card did not make it back 
macheskyjeff 07-05-202208-02-2022Success 281/11992 Topps 
bjp40 06-06-202208-01-2022Success 564/492P.94LGR.94UD.95P 
Cjtherien 05-28-202208-02-2022Success 662/2 
Sunday1014 03-03-202204-15-2022Success 421/11 card Ty Mr Ruffcorn 
Centre 03-03-202204-14-2022Success 412/292T and 94UD signed in thin, black sharpie; no fee... Thank You Mr. Ruffcorn 
Mike McK 07-29-202110-17-2022Success 4452/2answered my questions


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