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Darrell Sutherland Addresses Report   Sport: Baseball

Player overall success: 100%

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and use the TTMM application to track what they sent!

Address success percentage: 100%    
Total number of submission on this address: 29
# of Success: 28  # of Failed: 0  # of Pending: 1
Instruction:Former MLB pitcher, who playd for the Mets and Indians from 1964-1968, brother of Gary Sutherland
Added by:Calebssportscards   Added on: 04-08-2016
NameDate MailedDate ReceivedStatusDaysRatioCommentImage
cfrederick94 11-25-2024 Pending -1/01966 Topps 
Sweetbob 10-21-202411-05-2024Success 152/2Signed both - 66T - 68T - SASE
Habs Fan 31 10-12-202410-30-2024Success 181/168 topps - sase hwlor - in black pen 
Sutersullivan 06-17-202407-01-2024Success 142/2Signed 66 and 68 Topps in fine point blue marker. Included debut inscription. Thank you sir!! 
NYYJMM 04-15-202405-03-2024Success 181/11966 Topps signed in blue pen
Trlars 04-05-202404-29-2024Success 241/11968 Topps signed in blue ballpoint pen.
Spinners11 01-16-202402-10-2024Success 252/2Thank you Mr. Sutherland! 
rich summa 11-20-202312-03-2023Success 131/166 Topps 
frozenpond58 07-18-202307-31-2023Success 131/168T - Thanks Mr. Sutherland 
pulsar861 07-05-202307-29-2023Success 241/01966 Topps signed in blue. Thank you Mr. Sutherland. 
Restau21 06-02-202306-24-2023Success 221/166 Topps signed in blue ballpoint. Thank You Mr. Sutherland. 
TideFanDan 04-10-202304-29-2023Success 191/166 Topps, thank you Mr. Sutherland 
jk19 02-16-202303-08-2023Success 201/11966 Topps
chef 12-15-202201-03-2023Success 191/1  
Gableinn12 04-08-202205-27-2022Success 491/166 Topps 
rggedglory 03-31-202204-15-2022Success 151/11 card 
brauk219wr 03-30-202204-07-2022Success 81/168T - thanks Mr. Sutherland! 
1962Mets 02-10-202202-22-2022Success 121/11966 Topps w/SASE Blue marker pen 
hockeytown 08-09-202108-26-2021Success 172/2  
NovRains 06-30-202108-12-2021Success 433/3LOR, SASE, '68T & two customs ~ signed all three. Thanks Mr. Sutherland! 
Jbutch20 04-14-202106-24-2021Success 711/1  
WPH5150 02-08-202103-01-2021Success 211/066 Topps
Keithbio11 09-17-202009-28-2020Success 111/166 Topps, LOR and SASE; signed in blue pen 
PeterML12 09-09-202009-24-2020Success 151/11966 Topps signed in Blue ballpoint pen 
thegonz 08-31-202009-21-2020Success 212/266T, 68T 
Tan-da-Man 07-29-202008-14-2020Success 161/1Signed my 1966 Topps card. Thanks Mr. Sutherland! Check out my TTM successes on Instagram @tantastic_collectibles
Mike McK 12-05-201912-20-2019Success 153/3 
1956WS 07-05-201607-25-2016Success 202/21966 Topps + a custom that I made. Custom came out looking great. Thank you, Mr. Sutherland!
Calebssportscards 04-08-201604-25-2016Success 171/166 Topps 


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