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Von Joshua Addresses Report   Sport: Baseball

Player overall success: 86%

   Only registered members on SCF forum can view addresses
and use the TTMM application to track what they sent!

Address success percentage: 69%    
Total number of submission on this address: 13
# of Success: 9  # of Failed: 4  # of Pending: 0
Added by:johan29lhp   Added on: 05-20-2009
NameDate MailedDate ReceivedStatusDaysRatioCommentImage
mastil 12-31-202401-30-2025Failure 302/0RTS 
R. E. Lee 11-22-2024 Failure -1/0Rts 
R. E. Lee 10-19-202412-16-2024Success 581/1  
Sweetbob 08-22-202410-15-2024Success 543/3Signed all 3 - 71T - 74T - 76T - SASE
R. E. Lee 08-07-202408-23-2024Success 166/6  
The-Mad-den 08-02-202408-10-2024Success 83/33 Cards sent, same 3 returned
rggedglory 02-01-2022 Failure -1/01 card; CALLING THIS A FAIL 
bradmanz1 07-15-202107-29-2021Success 141/11980 Topps 
Ricky7 10-03-202011-03-2020Success 311/1  
heystu17 04-09-202003-23-2021Failure 3481/11978 Topps with handwritten letter. Somehow RTS after nearly a year. 
tonyt1957 03-30-202003-08-2021Success 3431/173/topps signed in blue took almost a year 
Mr Goody 02-06-202003-05-2020Success 281/276 topps, index card,in thin black sharpie thank you Mr Joshua 
rich summa 04-29-201905-14-2019Success 152/274 Topps 80 Topps 
   Only registered members on SCF forum can view addresses
and use the TTMM application to track what they sent!

Address success percentage: 0%    
Total number of submission on this address: 1
# of Success: 0  # of Failed: 1  # of Pending: 0
Added by:delones24   Added on: 02-04-2014
NameDate MailedDate ReceivedStatusDaysRatioCommentImage
delones24 02-05-201403-13-2014Failure 352/0RTS 
   Only registered members on SCF forum can view addresses
and use the TTMM application to track what they sent!

Address success percentage: 93%    
Total number of submission on this address: 95
# of Success: 76  # of Failed: 6  # of Pending: 13
Added by:levi   Added on: 07-20-2017
NameDate MailedDate ReceivedStatusDaysRatioCommentImage
DJPez 02-03-2025 Pending -1/0Dodgers Pez - @DJPezAutos 
macheskyjeff 01-27-2025 Pending -1/01975 SSPC 
Habs Fan 31 01-18-2025 Pending -2/071,78 topps - sase hwlor 
R. E. Lee 01-07-2025 Pending -1/0  
rggedglory 12-18-2024 Pending -1/0xx 
Trlars 09-09-202410-16-2024Success 371/1Signed my 1971 Topps rookie!
rich summa 09-06-2024 Pending -1/090 Pro Cards AAA 
footballautos 09-02-202409-13-2024Success 112/275T,78T. TY! 
Sutersullivan 08-26-202412-16-2024Success 1124/4Signed 71,73,74,78 Topps in Blue Sharpie. Thank you!! 
MrOctober518 08-02-202401-14-2025Success 1651/11976 Topps
Tomahawks 06-28-202407-10-2024Success 122/22 Baseball cards 
Jedimike2000 06-13-202412-26-2024Success 1962/2Sent 2 cards...76t..91ld..only signed the 91ld..thx 
StetsonMan 06-12-202407-11-2024Success 294/4Sending HWLOR along with 1973,1975 Topps & 1988 & 1989 Pro Cards. Update- signed'em all! 
rich summa 05-28-202406-07-2024Success 102/288 Pro Cards 89 Pro Cards 
NatHon995 05-28-202406-11-2024Success 143/373T, 75t and 78T 
StetsonMan 04-29-202405-10-2024Success 111/1Sending a HWLOR along with a 1978 Topps card needed signed for a set. Update- returned card signed in black. 
wischeese 04-27-202405-09-2024Success 121/1  
erikmshapiro 03-19-202405-25-2024Success 673/3  
mas 02-03-2024 Pending -1/0  
Oriolesrise 01-27-202406-10-2024Success 1341/174 Topps 90 Target 
jketcham530 01-04-202406-10-2024Success 1571/1Signed 1978 Topps! Thank you Mr. Joshua!! 
flota89 12-06-202304-22-2024Success 1371/174 Topps, in card saver - Signed in black sharpie. 
mikeC3 11-24-202305-28-2024Success 1851/11973 Topps. Thank you Mr Joshua
RobSpires 11-09-202305-30-2024Success 2021/1LOR/SASE, 76 Topps 
wischeese 11-06-202305-25-2024Success 2002/071T 74T 
rich summa 11-03-202305-25-2024Success 2041/178 Topps 
monktonpops 10-20-202305-25-2024Success 2181/180T….thanks Mr. Joshua 
monktonpops 10-20-202305-25-2024Success 2181/180T….thanks Mr. Joshua 
monktonpops 10-20-202305-25-2024Success 2181/180T….thanks Mr. Joshua 
rlissau 10-13-202310-20-2023Success 72/2Letter, SASE. Great sig in black sharpie. 
pulsar861 10-13-202310-27-2023Success 141/21980 Topps signed in black. Also signed index card. Thank you Mr. Joshua. 
Nerd Pocket Cards 10-11-202310-21-2023Success 103/577,2x 78 signed 2 index 
bloopblaster 10-09-202304-22-2024Success 1961/1Signed in black sharpie....76T 
bbcoach29 09-20-202310-04-2023Success 142/21976 Topps and photo signed in blue sharpie! Thank you very much!! 
rggedglory 09-10-202310-07-2023Success 271/11 card 
wongcastle 08-30-202309-18-2023Success 191/1sent and received signed 1977 Topps #651
jdresbach 06-29-202308-21-2023Success 532/2  
mas 06-13-2023 Pending -1/0  
DJPez 05-16-2023 Pending -1/0Dodgers Pez - @DJPezAutos 
Yi Hsiang 04-24-202311-03-2023Success 1932/2  
Thump 01-24-202308-21-2023Success 2083/3sent LOR, SASE, 76T, 78T, 80T; received all back signed 
Oriolesrise 01-21-202308-21-2023Success 2113/574 Topps 76 SSPC 78 Topps plus index cards 
jacobpfe 01-10-2023 Failure -1/0write off 
Martin Chen 11-11-202201-07-2023Success 572/4A 4*6 photo and a CPBL card. He also sent me two MLB cards. Great signer. Thanks. 
DannyfromtheBay 02-25-2022 Failure -1/0  
crbaughn62 11-13-202111-13-2022Failure 3653/0brew eb 
nccards 09-01-2021 Pending -1/0  
BrandonPyc 08-03-2021 Pending -7/0Keep 1; asked for inscribed IC 
amerks22 07-26-202109-04-2021Success 404/44 cards signed in blue sharpie 
chef 04-27-202105-08-2021Success 111/1  
zooiiks 04-26-202105-18-2021Success 222/2Signed 2 cards
brauk219wr 04-16-202104-23-2021Success 72/278T, 80T - personalized as requested, thanks Mr. Joshua! 
RMJ 04-12-202104-24-2021Success 121/11978 Topps. Beautiful autograph in blue. Thank you Mr. Joshua!
Mikesrade 04-05-202104-17-2021Success 124/4  
heystu17 03-24-202104-02-2021Success 91/11978 Topps. Second attempt. Thanks, Coach!
xtra-innings 03-15-202104-05-2021Success 214/4x4 cards
Dean28 03-04-202103-27-2021Success 223/374, 76, & 78T in blue Sharpie
SG7586 02-20-202107-30-2021Success 1591/174 Topps 
BraveStarr 01-06-202102-02-2021Success 272/2'80 Topps, '91 Line Drive - 
FlyinWV 12-17-202002-04-2021Success 492/2LOR/SASE 76 and 80 Topps - signed both in blue as well as both index cards
mmarq 11-23-202012-11-2020Success 182/2  
Chooch08 10-22-202011-07-2020Success 163/2  
Jawheels73 09-14-202009-21-2020Success 73/4Signed 3 cards and index 
ahuggins81 08-25-202009-08-2020Success 141/1Sent a LOR, card and a it back signed
TripleOption67 08-25-202009-01-2020Success 71/176T, Blue Sharpie LOR SASE 
sportsview 08-24-202009-01-2020Success 81/4Kindly signed card we sent plus 3 index cards.
rich summa 08-13-202008-20-2020Success 71/177 Topps 
Goaftermath 08-12-202008-20-2020Success 82/274T 77T 
MyPenIsHugeTTM 07-17-202007-31-2020Success 142/2@MyPenIsHugeTTM on Twitter 
PPCLI1988 07-09-2020 Pending -3/0  
thegonz 06-22-202006-30-2020Success 83/371T, 74T, 76SSPC 
dgo71 06-19-202007-07-2020Success 182/278T, 76T
rich summa 06-01-202006-11-2020Success 101/175 Topps 
pbtank67 05-15-202006-01-2020Success 172/277T & 80T. Both signed in thick black sharpie. 
Oriolesrise 04-11-202005-07-2020Success 263/375 Topps 76 Topps 77 Topps 
white_rabbit 10-16-2019 Pending -4/071t, 78t & 2 others 
NYYJMM 10-15-2019 Failure -3/0Second time, I have been unsuccessful with him. Must not like my letters. 
NASKAT48 09-20-201910-07-2019Success 171/11973 Topps. Thank you Mr Joshua!
Newbomb Turk 09-06-201909-14-2019Success 81/178 Topps. 21st of my 1978 set. Thank you, Mr. Joshua. 
GoStLCards 08-28-201909-14-2019Success 172/2  
Restau21 01-25-201902-11-2019Success 171/180 Topps signed in black. Thank You Mr. Joshua 
Rsn1661 01-22-2019 Failure -3/0(2) 71t,71 Dodgers 
Superdiz26 01-03-201901-12-2019Success 93/3Signed two baseball cards and a signature card 
brooks13307 12-26-201801-17-2019Success 225/571, 73, 74, 75, 76 Topps 
cseitz 11-12-201811-23-2018Success 111/1Sent 1978 Topps. Received back signed
RobHarrington 10-22-201811-08-2018Success 173/3Signed three cards in blue Sharpie. 
dodgers10 10-09-201810-22-2018Success 131/1  
PPCLI1988 10-05-201811-23-2018Success 493/3  
rayrehder 09-24-201810-01-2018Success 71/11980 Topps signed in blue sharpie 
chazeroom 09-21-201810-30-2018Success 394/4  
pbtank67 09-10-201809-17-2018Success 72/275T & 75T mini. Both signed in blue sharpie. 
Ky1603 09-10-201809-22-2018Success 121/11971 Topps 
1956WS 08-20-201809-01-2018Success 121/171T. Little bit of smearing, but I didn't notice it until I saw it enlarged on my screen. Thank you, Mr. Joshua!
NYYJMM 04-21-201804-22-2019Failure 3662/0When I see people after me get their cards and I dont, I am thinking my cards are not coming back. 
levi 07-21-201707-31-2017Success 101/11976 Topps...pretty badly smeared 
   Only registered members on SCF forum can view addresses
and use the TTMM application to track what they sent!

Address success percentage: 33%    
Total number of submission on this address: 3
# of Success: 1  # of Failed: 2  # of Pending: 0
Added by:rich summa   Added on: 02-02-2020
NameDate MailedDate ReceivedStatusDaysRatioCommentImage
Oriolesrise 03-26-2020 Failure -3/075 Topps 76 Topps 77 Topps RTS 
dodgerbum 02-18-202003-09-2020Success 191/178 topps 
rich summa 02-03-202006-27-2020Failure 1441/076 Topps 
   Only registered members on SCF forum can view addresses
and use the TTMM application to track what they sent!

Address success percentage: 50%    
Total number of submission on this address: 2
# of Success: 1  # of Failed: 1  # of Pending: 0
Added by:rich summa   Added on: 06-27-2020
NameDate MailedDate ReceivedStatusDaysRatioCommentImage
rich summa 06-29-202007-11-2020Failure 121/076 Topps duplicate 
rich summa 06-29-202007-11-2020Success 121/176 Topps 


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