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Jerry Reed Addresses Report   Sport: Baseball

Player overall success: 100%

   Only registered members on SCF forum can view addresses
and use the TTMM application to track what they sent!

Address success percentage: 100%    
Total number of submission on this address: 308
# of Success: 294  # of Failed: 1  # of Pending: 13
Added by:wmhc28413   Added on: 01-16-2010
NameDate MailedDate ReceivedStatusDaysRatioCommentImage
baseballtaylor 01-17-2025 Pending -3/0  
Blake237 01-10-2025 Pending -1/0'90 Score 
drakesmap 12-30-2024 Pending -1/0  
JMac25 12-17-202401-13-2025Success 276/6Signed 6/6 nicely in blue. 
KozVM3 12-12-202401-16-2025Success 353/390 Donruss, 90 UD, 89 Fleer, LOR/SASE 
sbrokaw 12-09-202412-24-2024Success 156/6  
glen332 12-09-202412-23-2024Success 144/4Signed all 4 cards beautifully in thin blue sharpie; thank you, Mr. Reed!
Falzone829 10-31-202412-07-2024Success 373/3Thank you again Jerry !!!
jessiebear99 10-25-202411-05-2024Success 114/486T, 88T, 89T, n 90T 
rlissau 10-25-202411-08-2024Success 144/286T-87T in blue sharpie. 2nd return from him, once again postmarked SC 
TripplePlaySports 10-03-202410-29-2024Success 263/3Mr Reed signed all three of the cards I sent him with blue sharpie 
Falzone829 09-28-202410-18-2024Success 202/2Thank you Jerry !!!
autographs2010 09-16-202410-11-2024Success 254/4  
scott38829 09-12-202410-08-2024Success 261/190 Leaf
Jeffrey1108 09-12-202409-27-2024Success 151/1LOR and SASE with one card 
Habs Fan 31 09-07-202409-27-2024Success 201/190 topps - sase hwlor - in blue 
SomeDude29 08-26-2024 Pending -1/0  
SomeDude29 08-26-2024 Pending -1/0  
Jamesalford23 08-19-202410-21-2024Success 632/291D 91F Sticker 
Sthomp27 08-12-202408-30-2024Success 182/287 Topps, 89 Score. See returns at 
rggedglory 08-03-202409-09-2024Success 371/11 card; thx new Gasper TTM book on Amazon 
Sweetbob 08-01-202408-22-2024Success 215/5Signed all 5 cards - 90S - 90UD - 89F - 88F - 87T - SASE
Jamesalford23 07-23-202408-09-2024Success 172/290UD 90S 
StetsonMan 06-18-202407-08-2024Success 207/2Sending HWLOR along with (7) 1988 Topps cards. Offered for him to keep all duplicates as I simply need clear out some of my massive collection. Update- he kept 5 and signed two in blue which is fine with me! 
pulsar861 06-10-202407-02-2024Success 221/11990 Score signed in blue. Thank you Mr. Reed. 
RedsFan75 06-06-202407-06-2024Success 306/6HWLOR, SASE, 2 90D (1 for him to keep) 86T 88F 88T 86T no fee. Received all 6 back signed beautifully in blue sharpie. Thank you very much Mr. Reed! 
Bowler300x2 05-28-202406-08-2024Success 113/390 Fleer, 88 Donruss, Fleer Action Series
Restau21 05-15-202405-29-2024Success 142/288 Score and 90 Upper Deck signed in blue. Thank You Mr. Reed. 
StetsonMan 05-01-202405-14-2024Success 132/2Sending a HWLOR along with 1986 Topps and Fleer rookies of this former Tribe member. Update- returned both cards signed in blue. 
BlueJacket15 04-28-202405-14-2024Success 161/1Sent 90DR and letter. Returned signed in blue!
NYWill 04-21-202405-02-2024Success 111/11986 Topps Signed. Thank you Mr. Reed! 
Puckhead239 04-11-202405-02-2024Success 213/3 
Travish33 03-24-202404-06-2024Success 133/390L 89T 89Senior. Signed all 3 
cfrederick94 03-18-202403-28-2024Success 103/3'86T, '87T, '90D 
DuncD 02-29-202403-09-2024Success 92/289 Upper Deck 90 Donruss signed in blue sharpie 
thegonz 02-20-202402-26-2024Success 64/487T, 90D, 90UD, 91PacSenLg 
Jedimike2000 02-13-202402-26-2024Success 134/4Sent 4 cards..87t.89s.88f.89f..came back all signed..thx 
rich summa 02-09-202402-17-2024Success 82/290 Fleer 90 Fleer Update 
TheProfessor23 02-07-202402-20-2024Success 133/3  
Patgrealish 01-22-202402-02-2024Success 111/1Sase. 1989 Topps Mariners team card 
rich summa 01-18-202401-29-2024Success 111/191 Pacific Senior League 
p25texas 01-02-202401-13-2024Success 115/0sent 5. offered 2. he signed all 5 and returned. Thanks Mr. Reed!! 
Nas1986 01-02-202401-12-2024Success 105/587T/88T/89D/89T/90T; 90T returned/unsigned-all others returned/signed. 
Pigstyle1 12-20-202312-29-2023Success 91/1CARD NOTE AND SASE;Thank you! 
Roark8 12-14-202312-22-2023Success 81/189' topps 
Bballgrl1891 11-25-2023 Pending -3/0  
rich summa 11-17-202312-18-2023Success 311/186 Fleer 
Calebssportscards 11-12-202312-25-2023Success 431/189 Topps signed for the Battle Of The Decades All Sports Contest Go Team 80s!// Every year I hold off on opening my TTM's till Christmas. Received Dates are Approximate and set to date opened 
mosaic5250 11-06-202311-28-2023Success 221/1Signed my 88 fleer, thank you!! 
Tumbleweed29 10-13-202311-02-2023Success 201/1LOR, SASE, no fee, 90D. Postmarked Greenville, SC 
Jedimike2000 10-05-202310-23-2023Failure 184/0Rts ..unable to forward..don't know what happened..thx 
elGarycards 09-18-202310-05-2023Success 173/3  
bbcoach29 08-25-202309-15-2023Success 213/31985 TCMA. '88 and '89 Topps all signed in blue sharpie! Thank you very much!! 
Schmidty548 08-25-202309-14-2023Success 204/4Signed my 4 baseball cards - Check out my returns on the Hot Corner -
rlissau 08-24-202309-05-2023Success 123/3Letter and SASE; all signed even though I invited him to keep one. (Postmarked Greenville, SC) 
rowbradfo 08-23-202309-15-2023Success 232/2  
Calebssportscards 08-23-202309-18-2023Success 262/22 cards signed 
Puckhead239 08-07-202308-24-2023Success 175/5 
Nerd Pocket Cards 08-04-202308-24-2023Success 205/5Great return 
erikmshapiro 08-04-202309-01-2023Success 283/3  
bloopblaster 06-29-202308-24-2023Success 563/3Signed all in blue sharpie....87T, 89T, 90D 
RH81 06-28-202308-22-2023Success 551/1  
2mt74 06-26-2023 Pending -1/01990 Donruss 
MCflying 06-22-202307-08-2023Success 161/191 Fleer 
jacobpfe 06-15-202308-21-2023Success 674/4  
GomesFTW 03-18-202303-27-2023Success 93/388 Fleer, 88 Topps, 89 Topps - Cards returned signed in blue. Thanks Mr. Reed! 
bbcoach29 03-07-202303-17-2023Success 93/3HWLOR with S.A.S.E. along with '87,'88 +'89 Topps which were all signed in blue sharpie! Thanks very much Mr. Reed! 
tilt122 03-01-202303-16-2023Success 141/189T 
Tinobaseball 02-21-202303-02-2023Success 91/11987 Topps 
rich summa 02-16-202302-25-2023Success 91/190 Donruss 
jasonnugent 01-17-202302-09-2023Success 234/4  
kugelmanco 01-03-202301-14-2023Success 113/31988 Donruss, 1990 Fleer, 1990 Upper Deck 
mtool 12-12-202212-31-2022Success 195/5signed all 5 cards 
sportzcards9 12-05-202212-30-2022Success 256/6Signed all! 
Td2072 12-02-202212-31-2022Success 291/1  
Centre 12-02-202212-31-2022Success 293/387T, 90T and 90D signed in blue sharpie; no fee... Thank You Mr. Reed 
rich summa 11-28-202201-03-2023Success 361/189 Donruss 
Victor1965 11-19-202211-28-2022Success 93/3  
Sjw3315 11-16-202211-25-2022Success 92/2  
Wildpitch86 11-14-202211-28-2022Success 144/4Sent 1988 and 1990 Topps, and 89 & 90 Fleer, thank you Jerry 
StetsonMan 11-14-202211-29-2022Success 155/5Sent a hand written LOR along with (3) 1986 Topps & (2) 1986 Fleer rookie cards. Update- he returned all 5 cards signed in blue sharpie! 
Jmayer12 11-07-202211-21-2022Success 141/1Donruss '88 
RobSpires 11-03-202211-21-2022Success 182/2LOR/SASE, 2 cards. Both returned signed 
bjp40 11-02-202211-21-2022Success 194/487T.88T.89UD.89UD 
redfirescorpio 10-11-202211-23-2022Success 431/1'90 Upper Deck; LOR, SASE 
footballautos 10-06-202211-12-2022Success 374/487 toops, 88 fleer, 89 score, 90 score 
thegonz 10-03-202210-29-2022Success 264/486F, 88S, 89F, 91F 
miller8080 09-07-2022 Pending -1/0  
rich summa 08-22-202209-12-2022Success 211/189 Upper Deck 
tonyt1957 08-11-202208-29-2022Success 181/190/Donruss/singed in blue 
Jakew88 08-01-202208-13-2022Success 128/1390 topps (2), 87 topps (2), 88 topps, 88 donruss, 89 topps, 91 fleer 
mtool 07-22-202208-06-2022Success 155/5signed all 5 cards 
Vercingetorix 07-18-202208-08-2022Success 219/9Quick Return. great signature 
Newbomb Turk 07-16-202208-05-2022Success 201/188 Topps. Thank you, Mr. Reed. 
rich summa 06-30-202207-11-2022Success 111/189 Score 
wongcastle 06-29-202207-11-2022Success 121/1sent and received signed 1988 Topps #332
wongcastle 06-29-202207-11-2022Success 121/1sent and received signed 1989 Upper Deck #529
wongcastle 06-29-202207-11-2022Success 121/1sent and received signed 1989 Topps #441
Thump 06-27-202207-11-2022Success 144/4sent LOR, SASE, 86T, 89UD, 89D, 90Sc; received all back signed 
mtool 06-18-202207-11-2022Success 235/5signed all 5 cards 
mtool 05-21-202206-03-2022Success 135/5signed all 5 cards 
RMJ 05-18-202205-27-2022Success 91/088 Fleer
bickel84 05-12-202205-28-2022Success 162/22 90D 
mtool 05-08-202205-20-2022Success 125/5signed all 5 cards 
white_rabbit 05-06-202205-20-2022Success 141/190d, thanks a lot Jerry 
Christian L 05-02-202205-09-2022Success 72/2LOR, SASE, 2 cards - offered 1
Centre 04-20-202204-28-2022Success 84/487T, 89D, 90F and CIC signed in blue sharpie; no fee... Thank You Mr. Reed 
WayWardSon005 04-12-202204-29-2022Success 171/11988 Topps 
Falzone829 03-26-202204-09-2022Success 141/1Thanks Jerry !!
spearsbros 03-25-202204-02-2022Success 85/55 various cards! 
chef 03-22-202204-01-2022Success 101/1  
702tpr777 03-19-202204-01-2022Success 133/31987 Topps, 1989 Donruss, 1990 Fleer... Thanks Mr. Reed! 
autographs2010 03-17-202203-28-2022Success 114/4Please Check Out My YouTube Channel 
rich summa 03-17-202203-28-2022Success 111/190 Upper Deck 
Sunday1014 03-09-202203-18-2022Success 84/44 cards Ty Mr Ty Reed 
JJPMI 03-09-202203-19-2022Success 93/387 Topps, 90 Fleer, 91 Fleer 
Whawke 02-28-202203-11-2022Success 112/287T and 89T. Signed both! Thanks Mr. Reed! 
Whawke 02-28-202203-11-2022Success 112/287T and 89T. Signed both! Thanks Mr. Reed! 
tilt122 02-28-202203-11-2022Success 112/12 90D-signed one kept the dupe 
graphs4life1 02-20-202203-04-2022Success 122/2 
kinzigerj 02-16-202202-28-2022Success 124/4  
bernst90 02-02-202202-12-2022Success 101/1Signed 1988 Topps 
thegonz 01-14-202201-21-2022Success 74/488D, 89T, 90S, 90FUp 
rich summa 01-10-202201-22-2022Success 121/188 Donruss 
Sunday1014 01-07-202201-15-2022Success 83/33 cards Ty Mr. Reed 
Johnlightning 12-27-202101-03-2022Success 74/4  
CubsSoxFan 12-15-2021 Pending -3/090 fleer, score & upper deck 
Dean28 12-13-202112-24-2021Success 113/386T, 90S, & 91F in blue Sharpie
NYYJMM 11-30-202112-14-2021Success 143/31989 & 1990 Topps plus a 2019 Topps Mariners card all signed in blue
heffyscards 11-15-202112-26-2021Success 412/2Sent 2 cards,Signed 2 Thank you Jerry 
FlyingDutchmen 11-13-202111-20-2021Success 74/489 Topps, 89 Donruss, 89 Score, 89 Upper Deck
rich summa 10-29-202111-05-2021Success 72/288 Fleer 88 Score 
mspratt31 10-04-202110-19-2021Success 153/3  
Patgrealish 09-27-202110-08-2021Success 113/3Sase. 86 Topps, 89 Topps, and 89 score 
NovRains 09-08-202109-17-2021Success 92/2LOR, SASE, '90F & '90UD ~ signed both ~ Thanks Mr. Reed! 
mtool 07-30-202108-14-2021Success 154/4signed 4 cards 
graphs4life1 07-26-202108-07-2021Success 121/1 
StetsonMan 07-26-202108-10-2021Success 155/5Sending hand written letter along with 1986, 88 Topps cards & 1990 Fleer & 1988, 90 Donruss. Update- received all 5 cards back signed in blue sharpie! 
Eagles07 07-10-202107-17-2021Success 74/41988 Topps, 1989 Score, 1990 Score, & 1990 Donruss. Thanks 
frozenpond58 06-25-202107-06-2021Success 112/287T and 89T - signed in blue sharpie Thanks Mr. Reed 
Doer03 06-10-202106-21-2021Success 113/378T, 88T, 89T 
RH81 06-08-202106-21-2021Success 132/2  
Chooch08 05-14-202106-01-2021Success 187/7  
Jabroni-Mets-Fan 05-11-202105-27-2021Success 164/41987 Topps, 1990 Topps, 1988 Fleer, 1989 Fleer 
RandyPolicar 04-30-202105-13-2021Success 134/44 cards, LOR, SASE 
graphs4life1 04-27-202105-07-2021Success 101/1 
Oriolesrise 04-24-202105-03-2021Success 94/487 Topps 88 Fleer 90 Fleer 90 Fleer Update 
Spinners11 04-19-202104-26-2021Success 75/5Offered him to keep a card or two if he wanted, instead he graciously signed all five in blue Sharpie. Thank you very much Mr. Reed! 
cardsncoinscle 04-17-202104-29-2021Success 123/3sent 3 cards with thank you note 
brettthecard 04-15-202104-27-2021Success 122/2Both cards signed! 
TheoB 04-12-202104-23-2021Success 116/6  
ddisbrow29 04-09-202104-20-2021Success 113/32 ‘89 Topps, ‘89 Fleer; signed all in blue sharpie 
Tomahawks 04-07-202104-17-2021Success 102/22 Topps cards 
MostMirror 04-07-202104-16-2021Success 96/6  
sportsview 04-05-202104-17-2021Success 125/5Kindly signed 86T, 87T, 88T, 90D, 90F.
Travish33 03-25-202104-02-2021Success 83/089T 90T 90L. SASE. Signed all 3 
pedersom 03-19-202103-27-2021Success 82/2  
BraveStarr 03-15-202103-27-2021Success 125/5'87 Topps, '88 Donruss, '90 Leaf, '91 Fleer, '90 Topps - 
brooks13307 02-20-202103-08-2021Success 166/688, 89, 90 donruss, 91 fleer, 88, 89 score 
dcurtoys 02-19-202103-01-2021Success 104/4  
Ameier 02-13-202102-24-2021Success 111/1signed my '88 topps in blue. I was worried this was the country singer/ actor from smokie and the bandit. 
jparker44 01-20-202102-11-2021Success 221/1He signed my 89 score in blue sharpie. Thanks Mr.Reed!
Mikesrade 01-19-202101-30-2021Success 115/5  
Jabroni-Mets-Fan 01-15-202101-26-2021Success 113/2Returned 2/3 signed; 1986 Topps, 1987 Topps, 1990 Topps 
Pearly39 01-11-202101-25-2021Success 143/33 cards // 3 cards signed 
Will3119 01-06-202102-01-2021Success 261/1Signed in blue sharpie. 
Kennestang 01-05-202101-16-2021Success 113/3  
Jared1805 01-04-202101-15-2021Success 115/5  
Travish33 12-30-202001-13-2021Success 142/286T 88T. SASE. Signed both 
RealMSavage 12-21-202001-02-2021Success 122/2LOR & 2 Mariners Cards Both Signed
akhunterboy761 12-17-202012-26-2020Success 92/2  
BraveStarr 11-23-202012-09-2020Success 165/5'86 Topps, '89 Topps, '90 Donruss, '90 Score, '90 Topps - 
Wildpitch86 11-20-202012-07-2020Success 173/31987 & 1989 Topps and 1988 Score, received all 3 cards back signed, TY Mr.Reed
Mikesrade 10-01-202010-09-2020Success 82/2  
Klummp 09-30-202010-13-2020Success 134/4Signed all four beautifully Thanks a heap Mr. Reed
Newbomb Turk 09-26-2020 Pending -1/088 Topps. 
Withhillis 09-23-202010-03-2020Success 102/286 & 88 Topps 
ahuggins81 09-12-202009-22-2020Success 101/1Sent a LOR, card and a it back signed
SG7586 09-12-202009-19-2020Success 72/2Topps ‘88 and Fleer ‘90 
Dennisscan 09-10-202009-19-2020Success 94/4signed all 4 cards in blue ink! 
Goaftermath 08-31-202009-11-2020Success 112/289T 90D 
jimrice1978 08-22-202008-31-2020Success 93/386 & 87 Topps, 90 Fleer 
Schmidty548 08-19-202008-29-2020Success 106/6signed my 6 baseball cards
Jabroni-Mets-Fan 08-18-202008-28-2020Success 103/31988 Score, 1989 Score, 1990 Score 
Doogs1972 08-16-202008-25-2020Success 94/4  
jschmidt22 08-15-202008-22-2020Success 73/0All 3 signed thanks 
Poormans Stack 08-05-202008-15-2020Success 106/6Signed all in Blue Marker. 
BIGSHOT 08-04-202008-14-2020Success 101/188 fleer 
Centre 08-03-202008-15-2020Success 123/487T, 88D, 89F and Custom Index Card signed in blue sharpie.... Thank You Mr. Reed 
StetsonMan 08-01-202008-15-2020Success 145/5Sent 5 cards and he signed and returned all 5. Pretty quick return time. Thanks Mr. Reed! 
Jbutch20 08-01-202008-10-2020Success 94/4  
crbaughn62 07-27-202008-03-2020Success 73/3  
xtra-innings 07-03-202007-15-2020Success 124/4x4 cards
StetsonMan 07-02-202007-10-2020Success 84/4Sent 88 & 89 Topps this time with 88 & 90 Donruss. He signed all 4 sent back fast. Thank you Mr. Reed!
mellostello 06-30-2020 Pending -3/0  
FlyinWV 06-29-202007-07-2020Success 83/3LOR/SASE '86 Topps, '89 Topps and '89 UD - Signed all three in blue
pistonfan2000 06-28-202007-06-2020Success 81/11990 Fleer - Great signer. Thank you!
Tex2005 06-08-202006-15-2020Success 72/2sent 89 and 90 topps 
Calebssportscards 06-05-202006-12-2020Success 72/22 cards signed
Jamesalford23 05-30-202006-08-2020Success 93/3Thank you sir!! 
ADeLia5519 05-22-202005-30-2020Success 81/1  
THRIFTY211 05-16-202005-23-2020Success 75/55/5 TC 
pbtank67 05-11-202005-19-2020Success 84/486F, 86T, 89S, & 90L. All nicely signed in blue sharpie. 
Slbailey 05-04-202005-11-2020Success 74/4  
guido18 05-04-202005-14-2020Success 103/3Signed in blue sharpie no fee 
zooiiks 05-03-202005-14-2020Success 113/3Signed 3 cards
Meatballer23 04-30-202005-08-2020Success 83/3Signed 1989T, 1990UD, 1991F. Thanks Mr. Reed! 
AXHAWKS808 04-30-202005-11-2020Success 113/3Signed all 3 nicely in blue 
zonino 04-25-202005-02-2020Success 78/7  
baseballgeek 04-22-202004-30-2020Success 83/3signed 1987,88 topps and 89UD(smudged at end) for sets. 
IAK683 03-02-202003-11-2020Success 82/21990T 1989T - both signed! Thanks Mr. Reed! 
pkbhfong 02-23-202003-02-2020Success 81/1  
Sdlynch 02-03-202002-10-2020Success 72/2Got both cards back today signed in blue marker. Thank you Mr. Reed 
thegonz 02-03-202002-08-2020Success 54/486T, 89D, 90T, 90F 
Mr Goody 01-06-202001-18-2020Success 123/387 Topps,89 donruss,90 donruss all three in blue sharpie looks great thank you Mr Reed 
BraveStarr 01-03-202001-17-2020Success 145/5'88 Donruss, '89 Donruss, '89 Fleer, '90 Donruss, '90 Fleer - 
dodgers10 01-03-202001-13-2020Success 103/3  
zonino 12-09-201912-17-2019Success 87/7  
rich summa 11-18-201911-26-2019Success 82/288 Score 88 Topps 
rich summa 10-05-201910-15-2019Success 104/486 Topps 87 Topps 89 Topps 90 Topps 
Craiggb 09-11-201909-21-2019Success 104/4  
dgo71 09-07-201909-17-2019Success 106/690UD, 90S, 88T, 89D, 90T, 90F
GbabySweetness 09-03-201909-13-2019Success 101/188donruss 
refinitivtime 08-08-201908-16-2019Success 81/11 1987 Topps w/SASE signed in blue Sharpie 
zonino 07-27-201908-03-2019Success 79/9  
mlbfan74 07-25-201908-02-2019Success 82/2quick turnaround from one of my favorites! 
Bimmerboy137 06-29-201907-05-2019Success 61/1SASE, LOR, '90 Score card Signed blue ink for my son. Thanks Mr. Reed! 
BraveStarr 06-25-201907-02-2019Success 75/5'86 Topps, '87 Topps, '88 Topps, '89 Topps, '90 Upper Deck - 
Danmay55 06-06-201906-15-2019Success 94/4Signed all 4! 
NYYJMM 05-28-201906-05-2019Success 82/21987 & 1988 Topps signed in blue
zonino 04-27-201905-06-2019Success 94/4  
Patgrealish 04-22-201904-29-2019Success 73/3SASE. 87,88,89 Topps 
TnDodger 04-10-201904-18-2019Success 83/3Thanks Mr. Reed
SyxxSynse 03-27-201904-05-2019Success 92/2Signed my '89 Topps and '90 Score cards. Thanks, Mr. Reed! 
dgo71 03-11-201903-18-2019Success 76/687T, 90 Leaf, 88S, 89T, 90D, 89UD
cardsbaseball245 01-14-201901-22-2019Success 86/66/6 2 1987 Topps and 4 1988 Fleer. Great signature. Thank you Mr. Reed! 
delones24 12-13-201812-26-2018Success 131/190 UD
haynmay 10-22-201810-29-2018Success 73/31988 score, 1989 donruss, 1990 upper deck 
pbtank67 09-18-201809-27-2018Success 93/387T, 88F, 89UD. All nicely signed in blue sharpie. 
brooks13307 06-24-201807-05-2018Success 115/51987 Topps, 1988, 89, 90, 90 U Fleer 
Foul Bunt 03-19-201803-30-2018Success 114/4Signed my 1986, 1987, 1989 and 1990 Topps. 
chase7744 03-02-201803-17-2018Success 142/2signed in blue 2/2 
sreader3 12-30-201701-09-2018Success 105/5Lightning fast 5/5! 86T(x2), 87T, 88S, 89D, Fine blue marker autos.
adamd 12-29-201701-08-2018Success 102/2Awesome Signature. Thanks Mr. Reed 
justindi 12-29-201701-08-2018Success 102/2Great success, thanks Mr. Reed! 
coopper 12-21-201701-02-2018Success 123/3  
autograder79 12-18-201701-02-2018Success 151/187T......Thank You 
spikeowen 11-27-201712-04-2017Success 74/488F, 88S, 89UD, & 90T - signed all cards, thanks! 
footballautos 11-23-201712-16-2017Success 233/3  
Smittzerland 11-07-201711-16-2017Success 92/21989 Donruss, 1990 Score 
levi 10-16-201710-28-2017Success 123/31988-1989 Donruss, 1990 Upper Deck
Kylebahnick 09-30-201710-12-2017Success 121/1  
NYYJMM 08-03-201708-12-2017Success 91/11988 Donruss with SASE. Signed with blue sharpie
RobHarrington 04-27-201705-05-2017Success 82/21990 & 1991 Fleer signed in blue Sharpie. 
nickk96 03-28-201704-08-2017Success 112/2Sent (2) 87T 
Calebssportscards 03-20-201703-27-2017Success 73/386 Fleer, 88 Donruss, and 90 Donruss signed 
xtra-innings 03-10-201703-23-2017Success 124/4x4 cards
tglg 11-08-201611-19-2016Success 116/6Got back all 6 signed in a nice blue sharpie. 
xtra-innings 08-20-201609-07-2016Success 185/5x5 cards
STLCardinals66 08-12-201608-22-2016Success 104/4X2 1988 Topps, x2 1990 Score. All signed in blue. 
OC22 08-01-201608-11-2016Success 101/1Returned signed
xtra-innings 02-01-201603-05-2016Success 334/4x4 cards
tbeau 01-04-201601-11-2016Success 72/2Two 1989 Fleer cards 
dareyl 01-01-201601-15-2016Success 145/5  
xtra-innings 12-01-201512-12-2015Success 113/3x3 cards
imcoop 11-17-201511-27-2015Success 101/1He signed my 1990 Fleer card 
xtra-innings 11-01-201511-12-2015Success 113/3x3 cards
mnbigfoot 10-14-201510-22-2015Success 85/5(2) 1988 Topps, (2) 1989 Topps, and 1990 Topps. Thanks Mr. Reed!
docgallie 10-05-201510-18-2015Success 137/7  
whawkins51 10-01-201510-13-2015Success 124/4Thank you so much Mr. Reed! 
crbaughn62 09-21-201510-03-2015Success 125/5  
guodrenniks 08-21-201508-29-2015Success 84/4x4 cards 
Pauls1976 07-09-201507-20-2015Success 112/2Sent LOR & SASE. Sent 2 cards for my sets, rcvd both back signed. Thank you sir, 
Pauls1976 07-09-201507-20-2015Success 112/2Sent LOR & SASE. Sent 2 cards for my sets, rcvd both back signed. Thank you Mr Reed! 
delones24 05-18-201505-29-2015Success 111/189 Topps
tburton 05-12-201505-21-2015Success 93/3Card, Letter and SASE, offered one 
marty77 05-01-201505-15-2015Success 143/31988 and 1989 Topps; 1990 Fleer
broncoboy 04-13-2015 Pending -5/0Sent 5 cards 
dareyl 04-01-201504-18-2015Success 174/4 
Musclebeech 03-27-201504-10-2015Success 145/5  
dareyl 01-01-201501-17-2015Success 163/3 
magic79 12-24-201401-08-2015Success 152/2Two cards signed in blue 
rbarone5 12-03-201412-11-2014Success 82/2  
HarvWheelGaard 12-03-2014 Pending -2/0  
dareyl 11-15-201411-29-2014Success 143/3 
marty77 08-12-201408-21-2014Success 92/21987 Topps and 1990 Fleer
xtra-innings 08-01-201408-11-2014Success 103/3x3 cards
justinw182 04-24-201405-02-2014Success 82/1Sent a 1987 Topps and index card. Signed the 1987 Topps in 8 Days. 
delones24 03-24-201404-02-2014Success 91/188 Donruss
bicemusic 03-14-201403-21-2014Success 72/2Sent 2 cards: 88 Topps & 88 Score w/ LOR. Success! Thank you Jerry!
YankeesFan23 03-01-201403-08-2014Success 74/4  
Jstafford4897 02-18-201402-25-2014Success 74/4Sent 1987 topps, 1988 fleer, 1989 topps Tiffany and 1990 score with letter and SASE / signed all in blue sharpie 
Robextend 12-31-201301-16-2014Success 164/41987 Topps, 1990 Leaf, 1990 UD (2)/Great success, thank you Mr. Reed. 
tonyt1957 12-15-201312-26-2013Success 111/189/topps card/singe in black sharpee 
white_rabbit 11-25-201312-09-2013Success 144/488D, 88F, 88T & 89T. Thanks a lot Jerry!
xtra-innings 11-10-201311-21-2013Success 115/5x5 cards
tglg 10-02-201310-18-2013Success 165/5  
xtra-innings 09-01-201309-19-2013Success 185/5x5 cards
mazefan72 08-05-201308-13-2013Success 84/4signed all of my cards.. Thank You Mr. Reed!! 
J_A_S_Z 11-13-201212-04-2012Success 212/21987T-returned both signed 
39special 08-31-201209-11-2012Success 111/1Signed my '86 Fleer in blue sharpie and sent a note thanking me for only sending 1 card. 
LukeOfMass 06-20-201207-08-2012Success 181/1blue sharpie very nice sign. 1990 fleer. thanks, Jerry!! 
bigsportsfan1 04-16-201204-30-2012Success 145/5Signed all 5 cards, thanks Jerry! 
jcb314 03-25-201204-10-2012Success 162/2  
levi 12-09-201012-29-2010Success 205/5'86, '87, '89, '90 Topps, '88 Score 
smrbraves 12-01-201012-30-2010Success 291/1my blog 
arfmax 09-10-201012-30-2010Success 1112/287 Topps/89 UD 
wmhc28413 01-09-201001-16-2010Success 73/3 
   Only registered members on SCF forum can view addresses
and use the TTMM application to track what they sent!

Address success percentage: 0%    
Total number of submission on this address: 0
# of Success: 0  # of Failed: 0  # of Pending: 0
Added by:bigsportsfan1   Added on: 01-11-2012
NameDate MailedDate ReceivedStatusDaysRatioCommentImage


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