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Reed Sorenson Addresses Report   Sport: Racing

Player overall success: 100%

   Only registered members on SCF forum can view addresses
and use the TTMM application to track what they sent!

Address success percentage: 100%    
Total number of submission on this address: 29
# of Success: 28  # of Failed: 0  # of Pending: 1
Added by:justinw182   Added on: 04-15-2012
NameDate MailedDate ReceivedStatusDaysRatioCommentImage
TruexRules19 11-11-202412-07-2024Success 266/6Sent 6 cards and received all 6 back signed
hockeytown 10-07-202411-06-2024Success 304/4  
Wellsalex18 07-27-202408-13-2024Success 173/03 cards signed 
backercl88 07-02-202408-10-2024Success 394/4  
Dis Guy 06-01-202406-21-2024Success 204/408 PP Optima, 07 PP Premium, 08 Eclipse, 12 PP. Check out my successes at 
pirates789 05-28-202406-20-2024Success 235/5sent 5 cards, signed all 5 
mrveggieman 05-11-2024 Pending -6/0  
Emocowmoo 03-23-202404-22-2024Success 305/5Signed 5 trading cards. Thank you Reed!
backercl88 02-21-202403-09-2024Success 172/3  
Kanye 02-15-202403-01-2024Success 151/1  
white_rabbit 12-22-202301-16-2024Success 251/12011 element, thanks a lot Reed 
chef 11-21-202312-16-2023Success 251/1  
kanoyes 05-18-202307-04-2023Success 472/2thank you!, SASE, 2 cards, LOR
jurlow23 01-30-202302-25-2023Success 266/6  
jasonnugent 12-22-202201-09-2023Success 182/2  
mtool 11-18-202112-02-2021Success 142/2signed 2 cards 
white_rabbit 10-01-202110-12-2021Success 113/320d & 2x21d, thanks a lot Reed 
Polecat 09-02-202109-13-2021Success 111/1Sent 2009 Main Event Rounder card with letter and SASE. Signed with black Sharpie. 
mtool 07-10-202108-26-2021Success 471/1signed 1 card 
TimSaucier02857 04-27-202106-11-2021Success 450/1Signed racing card
white_rabbit 10-01-202010-20-2020Success 191/12008 pp, thanks a lot Reed 
white_rabbit 10-04-201910-30-2019Success 261/12006 pp, thanks a lot Reed 
jrheffy 01-16-201603-03-2016Success 473/3Reed 
dareyl 01-15-201601-28-2016Success 133/3  
Thunderfoot 12-01-201402-09-2015Success 702/2Signed 07 Traks, 10 PP, 71 Days, Thanks Reed!(envelope had Charlotte, NC postmark) 
delones24 04-21-201405-29-2014Success 382/209 Stealth, 09 VIP
Thunderfoot 11-01-201312-02-2013Success 312/2Signed 09 premium, and 12 PP both in blue sharpie, 31 days, thanks Reed! 
mdclapps 11-10-201201-10-2013Success 613/3  
justinw182 02-26-201204-16-2012Success 491/1Recieved my trading card back and signed in 50 Days! 
   Only registered members on SCF forum can view addresses
and use the TTMM application to track what they sent!

Address success percentage: 100%    
Total number of submission on this address: 12
# of Success: 11  # of Failed: 0  # of Pending: 1
Added by:Wyattket88   Added on: 06-25-2018
NameDate MailedDate ReceivedStatusDaysRatioCommentImage
Robjanney13 07-18-2020 Pending -4/0  
fwtincaps70 07-16-202001-01-2021Success 1693/33 4x6s 
nolan34ryan 07-10-202006-09-2021Success 3344/4Got all 4 cards signed. 
nccards 07-03-202004-29-2021Success 3001/1  
white_rabbit 05-29-202007-02-2020Success 342/206&07 traks, thanks a lot Reed! 
nccards 05-27-202007-02-2020Success 364/4  
Craiggb 12-17-201905-23-2020Success 1573/1  
nccards 10-28-201905-22-2020Success 2072/2  
Tharob007 08-03-201908-23-2019Success 202/21- donruss 2019 and 1- donruss 2019 "racing relics" both signed in black! 
Ky1603 08-07-201810-09-2018Success 631/12018 Donruss 
21ccl 08-02-201810-11-2018Success 701/1  
Wyattket88 06-14-201806-25-2018Success 112/2He signed 2 cards in black 
   Only registered members on SCF forum can view addresses
and use the TTMM application to track what they sent!

Address success percentage: 100%    
Total number of submission on this address: 11
# of Success: 10  # of Failed: 0  # of Pending: 1
Added by:bigmike1216   Added on: 05-14-2020
NameDate MailedDate ReceivedStatusDaysRatioCommentImage
amerks22 08-09-202108-26-2021Success 175/55 cards signed in black sharpie 
TruexRules19 07-18-202108-26-2021Success 394/4Sent 4 cards and received all 4 back signed
footballautos 05-31-202106-18-2021Success 183/307 press pass premium, 07 press pass vip, 07 eclipse 
ecfan 02-22-202103-26-2021Success 314/4Signed 3 TC, 1 AC.
m4catky 01-20-202102-09-2021Success 203/3Sent 3 TCs and received all 3 back signed. Thank you Mr. Sorenson!
etsei87 11-23-2020 Pending -3/0  
Craiggb 09-28-202010-15-2020Success 171/1  
Robjanney13 08-15-202010-27-2020Success 734/3Someone opened the envelope and took the cards out but then sent 2 herocards and 1 card back 
21ccl 07-30-202008-14-2020Success 153/3  
Slickrick53 07-29-202008-15-2020Success 171/1  
bigmike1216 05-14-202006-11-2020Success 281/0 


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