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Jeffrey Hammond Addresses Report   Sport: Racing

Player overall success: 100%

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and use the TTMM application to track what they sent!

Address success percentage: 100%    
Total number of submission on this address: 36
# of Success: 32  # of Failed: 0  # of Pending: 4
Added by:dunkanarchy   Added on: 08-29-2016
NameDate MailedDate ReceivedStatusDaysRatioCommentImage
saints3566 02-03-2025 Pending -3/0  
capaap 10-08-202401-14-2025Success 981/1 
RobSpires 09-17-2024 Pending -3/091 Maxx, 90 Maxx x2 (one for him to keep) 
Coltron57 07-20-2024 Pending -2/02 cards 
grinch1035 06-05-202306-29-2023Success 241/1  
Gamecocklee 05-02-202306-29-2023Success 583/33 1990 maxx cards 
Puckhead239 01-05-202302-03-2023Pending 292/2 
mtool 12-15-202202-03-2023Success 505/5signed all 5 cards 
Grandy15 11-29-202201-09-2023Success 411/2LOR, SASE, 1 card 
jedistiles 08-25-202209-06-2022Success 122/2Signed both cards in blue. Thanks Mr. Hammond! 
rich summa 08-16-202209-12-2022Success 271/193 Finish Line 
white_rabbit 08-12-202209-06-2022Success 254/490, 92 & 93 maxx & a 92 pro set, thanks a lot Jeff 
rich summa 07-21-202208-02-2022Success 121/192 Maxx 
RobSpires 06-11-202207-05-2022Success 243/3LOR/SASE, 3 cards. All returned signed 
rich summa 08-16-202109-04-2021Success 191/191 Traks 
mtool 07-09-202107-22-2021Success 135/5signed all 5 cards 
rich summa 07-06-202107-24-2021Success 181/192 Traks 
mtool 05-23-202106-09-2021Success 177/7signed all 7 cards 
efa001 03-27-202104-17-2021Success 217/7 
Buff985 02-16-202103-18-2021Success 292/2Both cards signed. Thanks Mr. Hammond!
Puggy878 01-25-202102-27-2021Success 331/13 ICs signed 
TimSaucier02857 12-24-202002-27-2021Success 650/1Signed card
m4catky 11-12-202012-23-2020Success 413/3Sent 3 TC on 11/12/2020 and all 3 came back signed on 12/23/2020. Thank you Mr. Hammond. Happy with this return.
Slickrick53 08-25-202001-11-2021Success 1393/3  
21ccl 08-12-202008-24-2020Success 124/4  
khsmith843 06-27-202007-03-2020Success 65/5  
Nascarfan1 06-06-202007-27-2020Success 511/0Singed a 91 max card 
white_rabbit 11-11-201911-23-2019Success 124/491 & 92 pro set, 92 Traks and 95 maxx, thanks a lot Hollywood! 
Nascarfan1 10-24-201911-01-2019Success 81/2Sent an index card back and he sent a trading card along with it both singed Thanks Mr. Hamond 
Patgrealish 10-22-201911-06-2019Success 151/1SASE. 91 Maxx 
Tharob007 08-07-201908-15-2019Success 84/41- maxx 1988, 1- maxx 1988 "pit crew champs", 1- press pass VIP 1994, and 1-maxx 1994 all signed in black! 
Craiggb 11-05-201812-27-2018Success 525/5  
Dannyboy2452 07-30-201808-09-2018Success 106/6Sent 6 TC all 6 came back signed awesome 
Calebssportscards 01-28-201802-09-2018Success 121/14 x 6 photo signed
SyxxSynse 03-20-201704-17-2017Success 281/1Signed my '91 MAXX card. 28 days. Thanks, Mr. Hammond! 
dunkanarchy 08-16-201608-29-2016Success 133/4Found this address on his website, it works! Signed all 3 cards I sent, and wrote a thank you note and signed my letter. Thank you Mr. Hammond! 


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