Sports Card Forum (SCF) provides a FREE blog system. Every Sports Card Forum member automatically has a full-featured blog system. There are no fees and no need to sign up for anything. The main Blog Portal can be found at the top of SCF from the Blogs tab or by going to:

The main blog portal will show the most recent blog posts/summaries on the left side. The right side widgets will show the most recent, most popular, best blogs and most recent comments.


The most recent blog posts will also show up on the right side of the forums.


Your blog posts will also show up in your profile under the Blogs tab.


Writing blogs are similar to posting new threads on SCF except you get more control. You can create categories, add tags and manage the comments. The blog system puts YOU in control of your own real estate on SCF. To start blogging simply go to the Blog Portal and click on the Create New Post at the top right.