Fans of the original Star Wars card set that Topps produced back in 1977 will appreciate the 110-card base set that is printed on Heritage-style stock. The Blue Starfield design is applied to characters from all six movies this time, but there are plenty of parallel versions which mimic it while changing up the color of the borders. The easiest to find will be the Jabba Slime Green cards (one per pack) which are followed by Black (1:2), Death Star Silver (1:4), Lightsaber Neon Red (1:6) and Battle Damaged (1:12). Four other types are only available in hobby packs and feature serial-numbering. Hoth Frosted Ice (numbered to 150) are the most common of the bunch and the pulls become scarcer with Gold (/100), Hologram (/50) and Red Imperial Guard (1/1).

Each box of Topps Star Wars Journey To The Force Awakens contains 24 packs and there are 12 boxes per case.