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  1. #21
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    Let me say first off. That I am one of the people who supports gun law as they stand today. I am a supporter of the NRA and believe in people's right to bare arms. I have to be honest however, what this guy did definitely did not help matters. It gave the anti NRA people exactly what they wanted. When I heard the NRA was planing on a press conference, I believed they may of had a slight change of heart and wanted to open dialogue for what is better for the nation. Instead they turned it further down the "us vs. them"mentality. They seem more out of touch and more wacky then before.

    I could have prepared a better statement than that!

  2. #22

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    All a saw yesterday was a gun salesman who knows that fear sells more guns.

    Let me say first off. That I am one of the people who supports gun law as they stand today. I am a supporter of the NRA and believe in people's right to bare arms. I have to be honest however, what this guy did definitely did not help matters. It gave the anti NRA people exactly what they wanted. When I heard the NRA was planing on a press conference, I believed they may of had a slight change of heart and wanted to open dialogue for what is better for the nation. Instead they turned it further down the "us vs. them"mentality. They seem more out of touch and more wacky then before.

    I could have prepared a better statement than that!

    maccards44 everywhere 'bay, etc
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  3. #23

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  4. #24

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  5. #25

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    They're just mad he called it as it is regarding the media. They're as much to blame as anyone. He mentioned violent video games and he's right. Armies use some of these games as desensitization excercizes and we let kids play them? He's right.

    Where he's nuts is calling for armed guards in schools. Anyone who thinks that is completely off their rocker. Basically he's saying he do want trust the government enough to give up his guns, but he trusts them to guard children with gums. What?

    This idea that safety can only come through fear is as ridiculous as thinking there is one solution, such as gun control. The day we have armed guards in schools, Society has lost.

    I say have police randomly go through every school at any time. Have them bring a dog every so often. I think this would have many effects, most notably:
    1: As kids grow up they develop a dislike for authority. If police are ever present (and nice) in elementary schools, some of that dislike and distrust will disappear, as the kids grow up knowing these officers as people.

    2: It would have a positive effect on officers. When police come across a teen, they treat him like adults; suspect first, person second. If the police get to know kids as kids, a replied will grow and, as these kids grow up the police will treat them as people, further killing the distrust between the groups.

    3: If a cop is there a lot, or can be expected to show up at any time, that's better than guessing who has a gun or not as a deterrent, I think. Same effect as conceal and carry laws, but without random people trying to play hero.

    Obviously, I'm speaking in generalities and none of this will be true 100% of the time, but I do think its.WAY better than placing armed guards, conceal and carry or any ban.

    First off, I am not an advocate of teachers carrying a weapon. I do however believe in the right to bear arms.

    All the schools in my area have officers on duty at all schools. To say that "if police are present (and nice) in elementary schools, some of that dislike and distrust will disappear" is laughable. A very very small % of kids are influenced by "nice" officers. Kids are influenced by their peers along with the morals and values or should I say LACK of morals and values displayed by their parents. Most of these kids have biological fathers that are in jail and many of their mothers are addicted to drugs and or hanging out on the corner. These kids in turn get into trouble and are sent to a juvie detention center and as they grow older commit more crimes and are introduced into the adult system. They in turn populate someone and the cycle continues.

    In the 25 years or so I've worked in law enforcement I've run into three types of parents when dealing with a kid who has just committed a crime. 50% say "why you messing with my kid", 35% say "you take him I can handle him" and the last 15% are good parents who have tried to instill good morals and values. To think that law enforcement can have anything more than a little impact is comical. Values and morals start at HOME. You wanting to put the responsibility onto law enforcement is a joke which falls into the 35% who say "you take him I can handle him".

    Also for anyone to say "lock (your weapon) up safely when not in use by the owner" is also ludicrous. If someone breaks into your house you normally do not have enough time to unlock whatever storage you are using. I understand the point not having a weapon accessible to a kid but there are other alternatives.


    EDIT: "The day we have armed guards in schools, Society has lost." When I grew up if you had a problem you settled it with your fists. Not anymore. Sorry, but society lost a while back.
    Last edited by NY Sports Teams; 12-22-2012 at 08:18 PM.

  6. #26

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    Rick, I'm talking about starting it in elementary schools. Most Kindergarten students still like the police as they're taught to.

    Again, we have "since one thing won't work, don't try anything" being put forth as a solution. That would be laughable, if it wasn't so sad.

  7. #27

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    Rick, I'm talking about starting it in elementary schools. Most Kindergarten students still like the police as they're taught to.

    Again, we have "since one thing won't work, don't try anything" being put forth as a solution. That would be laughable, if it wasn't so sad.

    But like I said young kids are influenced by their peers along with what they see at home. You said to be "nice". Kids once they start growing see "nice" as weakness. I can't tell you how many kids I thought I may have turned around only to see them laying on the pavement in some dark alley. Many of the kids I deal with think if they have made it to age 18 they have done good. Yes very sad indeed. But it all starts from the home. I'm a firm believer that if you don't have TWO parents that are positive influences that there is a very good chance the outcome is not going to be good. Every now and again a mom comes through by herself without the support of a biological father. It's tough because these single mom's have to work to put food on the table and clothes on these kids backs but are not there to keep many of these kids in line. I can't tell you how many times I've heard that many of them have a better life behind bars than they do on the street. These young kids only want to make a fast buck. I know when I grew up if I wanted some cash I would first have to shovel our driveway and then and only then earn money by shoveling the neighbors. I never see kids with a shovel trying to make money. Like I said, they want the quick buck. Until the cycle can be broken I do not see an end in sight.


    EDIT: I'm also going to disagree with "Most Kindergarten students still like the police as they're taught to". Most of the parents do not like law enforcement due to events that have transpired throughout their lives. I'll be the first to say that some of the problems are due to officers acting inappropriately. Like any profession you have good and bad. The problem is when you work in a job with authority you are held under a microscope 24/7. Your actions both on and off duty must be above reproach.
    Last edited by NY Sports Teams; 12-22-2012 at 09:00 PM.

  8. #28

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    Wow. Just...wow.
    You either have no idea what kids are really like or have no idea what nice is.


    And again, I'm not talking about teenagers. I shouldn't have to repeat myself. Anyway...

  9. #29

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    Wow. Just...wow.
    You either have no idea what kids are really like or have no idea what nice is.


    And again, I'm not talking about teenagers. I shouldn't have to repeat myself. Anyway...

    If you think young kids are more influenced by law enforcement than their own parents than I believe you are mistaken. If their parents bad mouth cops than the kids in turn will do the same. You would be in a fantasy world to think that very young kids would side with law enforcement over their parent(s) who are bad mouthing them. You would also be wrong in me not knowing what kids are really like. I've dealt with Child Protective Services far too many times.

    I've lived under a microscope 24/7 for 25 or so years. I don't get paid to be "nice", I get paid to be professional.

  10. #30

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    I believe you're correct however, they would have SOME effect if people didn't insist on throwing their hands in the air and doing nothing.
    Are you assuming I think it would be perfect? I made a point of saying it wouldn't. What it will be, and I'm sire of this, is better than it is now. The police as a whole have taken your approach of "This one thing won't work. Don't bother, just give up." for years and the people have never trusted the police less. Not much can change that NOW, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't do better for the future.
    People who just want to give up because there isn't one super simple solution just don't get it.

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