I have a paper for school due in the next couple hours and I need to interview someone in the line of work I am planning on entering, which happens to be Accounting. It would be ideal if I got two responses as that is whats required, but one is better than none. I will give best answer to the, well, best answer. This is time sensitive since my class is in a few hours, but its a short paper haha.

These are the requirements for the paper :

Interviewee’s name and title (I understand if you do not want to share your name, but ideally my paper would improve greatly if you could!)
Organization’s name
A short job description
What are some of the trends are impacting the need for this job
What level of skills and/or education is needed for this career?
And any information you think a college student who is really beginning to hit the core accounting classes might need to help succeed.
