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  1. #41

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    So post them. They have to be somewhere.

    And I don't care what the percentage is. As long as group a spews ignorant crap, group b will stay in the shadows until they can't take it anymore. Whether or not that's 100% or 0.000000001%, the people who say these things are no different from the bullies who cause suicides.

  2. #42

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    The Cruz/Grasserly bill provided for:
    - increased resources for prosecutors to go after gun law violators
    - prosecution of those who failed background checks and were trying to get guns that they knew they were not supposed to get
    - prosecution of those who purchased guns for felons (straw purchases)
    - increased school safety funding
    - decriminalized legal gun owners from prosecution for transporting their gun across state lines as long as the gun was unloaded and secured in a safe manner (this is already allowed for by a Federal law, so it was redundant)
    - allow the interstate sale of firearms which is already allowed if the states border each other

    The bill was defeated by a vote of 52-48 http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-actio...-on-52-48-vote

    You haven't heard about it on the news because the liberal media doesn't want you to know that Democrats voted against a bill that made it illegal to buy guns for felons, made it illegal for felons to try to buy guns and made it possible for violators of gun laws to be better prosecuted.

  3. #43

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    Here's way more anecdotal evidence to support Duane than you. The problem with conservatives is they use the liberal ignorance as an excuse to allow people to continue killing the nation's children, which is far, far worse than being ignorant.

    Guns don't kill anyone. Millions of Americans have guns that sit there and don't kill anyone. It takes a person to kill someone. They may use a gun, but they could use a bomb, a knife, or a baseball bat and do just as much damage as with the gun. Should we ban anything that could possibly kill a child?

  4. #44

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    The Cruz/Grasserly bill provided for:
    - increased resources for prosecutors to go after gun law violators
    - prosecution of those who failed background checks and were trying to get guns that they knew they were not supposed to get
    - prosecution of those who purchased guns for felons (straw purchases)

    - increased school safety funding
    - decriminalized legal gun owners from prosecution for transporting their gun across state lines as long as the gun was unloaded and secured in a safe manner (this is already allowed for by a Federal law, so it was redundant)
    - allow the interstate sale of firearms which is already allowed if the states border each other

    The bill was defeated by a vote of 52-48 http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-actio...-on-52-48-vote

    You haven't heard about it on the news because the liberal media doesn't want you to know that Democrats voted against a bill that made it illegal to buy guns for felons, made it illegal for felons to try to buy guns and made it possible for violators of gun laws to be better prosecuted.

    Bold 1: Why no prosecution of people selling to these people? Not so much straw purchases, but direct. Seems to be very, VERY little regulations regarding the sellers. Prosecute sellers and these people won't be able to buy.

    Bold 2: Do you mean that would broaden a person's buying market from his own state and bordering state to all 50 states? Is that necessary?

    Bold 3: Which is why both those links are from FOX, right?

  5. #45

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    Bold 1: Why no prosecution of people selling to these people? Not so much straw purchases, but direct. Seems to be very, VERY little regulations regarding the sellers. Prosecute sellers and these people won't be able to buy.

    Bold 2: Do you mean that would broaden a person's buying market from his own state and bordering state to all 50 states? Is that necessary?

    Bold 3: Which is why both those links are from FOX, right?

    So if a law has some good things, but doesn't address everything that the senator wants, he should vote no? By that logic, if you were a senator in the 1950's and a proposal came along to free slaves but didn't give them voting rights, you would not approve of it because it did not have everything you wanted?

  6. #46

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    Bold 1: Why no prosecution of people selling to these people? Not so much straw purchases, but direct. Seems to be very, VERY little regulations regarding the sellers. Prosecute sellers and these people won't be able to buy.

    Bold 2: Do you mean that would broaden a person's buying market from his own state and bordering state to all 50 states? Is that necessary?

    Bold 3: Which is why both those links are from FOX, right?

    1. Gun dealers who sell to felons do get prosecuted. The bill would have made it illegal for those who know they can not buy a gun to try and do it.

    2. The question that begs to be asked is what the problem with law abiding citizens buy guns from other states? If I am visiting family in Florida and while visiting the local gun shop come across a rare gun that I have been looking to buy for years, the law says that I can not buy it. Why not? What did I do wrong? Why should I be blocked from legally buying a firearm because I don't live in the state? I am a citizen of the United States, I should not be blocked from exercising my Constitutional rights by state borders.

    3. I did a Google search and used the first links that I found. Last I checked you libs don't believe anything that FoxNews says (FauxNews, right?) so what does that have to do with anything? Mainstream media, which is almost exclusively liberal, has totally ignored this. Pointing fingers at other things doesn't change that while ignoring that the Gasserly/Cruz bill was voted down the liberal media has been trumpeting about how evil Republicans are for not passing the Democrat gun bill.

    The reality of the matter is Democrats don't care about gun control or innocent people being killed anymore than conservatives, they just want their gun bill passed so they can pat themselves on the back and puff out their chest at how much they accomplished (while ignoring how little their bill accomplished). Republicans supported a gun control bill that addressed the issue of criminals getting guns and Democrats voted it down. That speaks for itself.

  7. #47

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    2. The question that begs to be asked is what the problem with law abiding citizens buy guns from other states? If I am visiting family in Florida and while visiting the local gun shop come across a rare gun that I have been looking to buy for years, the law says that I can not buy it. Why not? What did I do wrong? Why should I be blocked from legally buying a firearm because I don't live in the state? I am a citizen of the United States, I should not be blocked from exercising my Constitutional rights by state borders.

    question: could you buy it there, and have a relative then ship it to you? Or would you have to register in Florida as well as your home state?

  8. #48

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    So if a law has some good things, but doesn't address everything that the senator wants, he should vote no? By that logic, if you were a senator in the 1950's and a proposal came along to free slaves but didn't give them voting rights, you would not approve of it because it did not have everything you wanted?

    What? Don't like it when I use Republican logic against Republicans?

    1- Then you should have no problem throwing teenagers in jail, further crowding them unnecessarily, for trying to buy liquor. You love to scream that criminals don't care about laws, but you expect them to follow this one?
    Prosecute sellers harder. Regulate them beyond the joke it is right now.

    2- You totally avoided the question. I wanted simple clarification of the bill, you ranted something about wanting to travel cross country to buy something I'm fairly certain you can get in your own backyard.

    3- Don't quote what alex says and attribute it to me, thanks. I said FOX and the point is, if the biggest conservative media outlet didn't even carry it, how can you criticize anyone else?
    That has everything to do with your bash against "liberal media". Be mad at Billo and the gang for not following party playbook, though it's my guess they did.
    Last edited by Wickabee; 04-22-2013 at 09:30 PM.

  9. #49

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    what happened with "at least they are trying to do something"?

    what, since it is a republican, it must be bad?

  10. #50

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    what happened with "at least they are trying to do something"?

    what, since it is a republican, it must be bad?

    Again, just seeing how the conservative "all or nothing" fits.

    Don't like it. Pinches on the crotch. No wonder you guys are so grumpy.

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