It IS the exception not the norm! Is EVERY piece of your mail messed up, every day? NO. In fact I'm willing to bet its MAYBE 0.5% of the time TOTAL, all year. As the old saying goes, "™™™™ happens"...their ONLY obligation is to deliver it, nothing more. That's their ONLY "service". They TRY not to have damage, but it happens. Do you put your groceries away flawlessly every time? No, occassionally you crack an egg. Does your job go perfectly EVERY time? No, errors are made. Instead of complaining about what the mailman failed to do, why not address the ways YOU could enable them to do it differently. YOUR mailbox has SIZE RESTRICTIONS, the mailman didn't put that mailbox there, nor did he make the mailbox, he has to get not only your precious little 8x10 in there, but every other piece of mail you have as well. GET A PO BOX! It isn't expensive, then you can pick and choose what goes there, including, you guessed it, your 8x10!! You being to harsh on the wrong person man. Take it up with your HOA, or get a PO Box. OR just SIMPLY explain it to the mailman, and ask him politely to do it differently. Not all postal service workers care, and not all of them are bad. ™™™™ just happens. And usually there is a simple solution to the problem. And complaining about it on the internet isn't gonna fix the issue either. Does it suck when they mess up something? Yeah of course. It's very frustrating. But if it's a repeat issue and you've said NOTHING to the guy, how should he know you're not pleased? Just talk to him man, I think you'd be surprised with the results. kinda is. Probably about 60-70% of mail I get is either opened, shredded, ripped or torn in some fashion. I'm seriously not kidding. I comment to my wife at least twice a week, if not more. It's gone on for 10+ years. through multiple carriers, saying something, not saying something. You name it. I can't tell you the number of times Christmas cards show up butchered to death, catalogues look like they went through a shredder, etc. Maybe my area is the exception, but that's kinda been life for me. I'm not complaining about 8X10s. I'm talking about not being able to read my electric bill because it looks like it's been in an alligator pit. Frankly, It's a big reason I haven't done much TTM. And it's a huge reason why I have almost no respect for the postal service. I want to respect them...I want to like them. I'm sure they're nice people. It just gets old when your mail constantly looks like it's been on a shooting range. Likely not the carrier's fault, but the entire operation needs some serious attention, in my opinion.