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  1. #61
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    Former Mississauga mayor Hazel McCallion defends Don Cherry, says ‘he’s not a racist’

    Former Mississauga mayor Hazel McCallion is defending Don Cherry, saying “he’s not a racist” and that he “could have used some better words” after the hockey commentator was fired from his position as co-host of Coach’s Corner over controversial comments he made on-air.

    “He should have said all Canadians are not paying attention to Armistice Day or wearing the poppy. That’s what he should have said,” McCallion told Global News Radio 640 Toronto.


  2. #62

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    arent friends supposed to stand by their friend when things go bad. isnt that what a true friend does? maybe its embarrassing maybe its unpopular, but arent true friends what Don Cherry needs now. and he is gonna find out exactly who they are. we have all at one time or another needed our friends. just for support, not to tell us we were right. but to tell us they will be there to help us through the bad times. we all make mistakes, he certainly did, more than once. at what point do friends say enuff and walk away too. and Don becomes an island where he gets voted ON to it not off. kinda like Napolean, kinda i said, but not really.
    i am not saying he was right to say what he did. but i am Gonna miss his outrageous remarks, his enthusiasm, his snubbing his nose to authority. his rock em sock em style. and if he really believes what he said - i am glad he has the guts to stand behind his words and fall on his sword. if a man doesnt believe his own beliefs - what good are they. even if they are not quite from this century.
    kinda like fighting in hockey ... you play the game you accept the risks.
    Last edited by icefields; 11-13-2019 at 08:14 PM.

  3. #63

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    "You People" was a common expression from Cherry's generation and my late father also used it. Anyone who thinks the firing of this Proud Canadian was either fair or justified can kiss my Red Maple Leaf.
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  4. #64
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    Well that didn't take long.

    Don Cherry is back in business with his Grapevine show, now in podcast form. Should be an interersting listen.

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  5. #65

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    1) "You people" drive me nuts!

    At least those wingnuts in Quebec are on the right track with wanting to have a standard Canadian Values exam to gauge prospective immigrants prior to allowing them into Canada. Too bad they sound like Rana pipiens during mating season so the rest of the country doesn't take them seriously.

    If you do not wish to choose to incorporate Canadian Values into your Canadian life, then perhaps you should not become a Canadian! And beyond that, if potential immigrants do not wish to express their interest to incorporate Canadian Values into their Canadian lives, then the damn Canadian Government has no business allowing them into the country in the first place!

    I have had my fair share of encounters with "new" Canadians who clearly do not hold any values that the average Canadian would have.

    What other countries can Canadians go to and be welcomed with open arms like immigrants to Canada are? Pretty much no where.

    Immigrants only want to come to Canada to get free healthcare, and because we have lots of space. They are thinking about themselves and of the free doctors when they choose to come here, they aren't thinking about how they can become a Canadian to make the country of Canada a better place! And then when Don Cherry comes by and mildly rips on them for not wearing poppies they make a big fuss about it.

    2) When dressing up as Aladdin, who is brown-face in nature, wouldn't it be expected that you would have a brown-face to finish off your costume? What colour do you paint your face if you dress up as The Hulk? Does green-face make me racist? If I dressed up as the white-faced Obama then I would be racist, but if I paint black-face on my Obama costume then I am also racist.

    Isn't everyone racist anyways? It is hard-wired into our psyche. It is just basic biological ecology.

    I can find another reason to dislike you, it doesn't have to be because of the colour of your face.

  6. #66
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    It's not "You people" that's the problem (despite how many times that has been written on social media).

    To a degree, I agree with you. "You people" is how he talks, and if that was the only issue.... I'd being arguing pro-Don here (well, I'd have a hard time being pro-Don but I'd be arguing that what he said was NOT what people have claimed it to be)

    You people love — that come here, whatever it is — you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey,

    That is what he said. Quite focusing on two words that he has used over, and over, and over again. He was clearly talking about immigrants. And you know what the damned thing is?? He could have left that part out. He could have just said "You people" and called out anyone for not wearing a poppy, but he didn't.

    "You People" was a common expression from Cherry's generation and my late father also used it. Anyone who thinks the firing of this Proud Canadian was either fair or justified can kiss my Red Maple Leaf.

  7. #67
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    1) "You people" drive me nuts!

    At least those wingnuts in Quebec are on the right track with wanting to have a standard Canadian Values exam to gauge prospective immigrants prior to allowing them into Canada. Too bad they sound like Rana pipiens during mating season so the rest of the country doesn't take them seriously.

    If you do not wish to choose to incorporate Canadian Values into your Canadian life, then perhaps you should not become a Canadian! And beyond that, if potential immigrants do not wish to express their interest to incorporate Canadian Values into their Canadian lives, then the damn Canadian Government has no business allowing them into the country in the first place!

    I have had my fair share of encounters with "new" Canadians who clearly do not hold any values that the average Canadian would have.

    What other countries can Canadians go to and be welcomed with open arms like immigrants to Canada are? Pretty much no where.

    Immigrants only want to come to Canada to get free healthcare, and because we have lots of space. They are thinking about themselves and of the free doctors when they choose to come here, they aren't thinking about how they can become a Canadian to make the country of Canada a better place! And then when Don Cherry comes by and mildly rips on them for not wearing poppies they make a big fuss about it.

    2) When dressing up as Aladdin, who is brown-face in nature, wouldn't it be expected that you would have a brown-face to finish off your costume? What colour do you paint your face if you dress up as The Hulk? Does green-face make me racist? If I dressed up as the white-faced Obama then I would be racist, but if I paint black-face on my Obama costume then I am also racist.

    Isn't everyone racist anyways? It is hard-wired into our psyche. It is just basic biological ecology.

    I can find another reason to dislike you, it doesn't have to be because of the colour of your face.

    If @scottkoz20 let's me hand out an award for the saddest, most pathetic post of the year, I'd give it to you.

    What, exactly, are Canadian values? What values are you holding sacred, that you believe immigrants don't ? I'm not going to go on some rant about my experiences with "new Canadians" - because they are nothing more than that. My experiences. So I'm really curious. Can you fill me in? Can you let me know which values immigrants don't share with you???

    Despite the topic having absolutely nothing to do with Don Cherry.... Are you actually ignorant enough to not understand that white actors (regularly) painted their faces for more than a century..... (let me coin a phrase here) to "play the fool" on stage? Do you actually not understand how offensive that is to a lot of folks out there? You realize that putting on an Aladdin Costume does not require any makeup for you to look the part, right?

    To answer your question: No, not everyone is racist. There's also nothing to suggest that it's hardwired into anyone's psyche. it's learned behavior.

    I'm in total agreement on the last point though. I don't need to look at the colour of someone's skin to find a reason to dislike them. Irrational rants against people that look or sound different than them? Now there's a much better reason.....

  8. #68

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    IMHO Canada is the best country on this planet for many reasons.
    i can understand why anybody/everybody not from here would love to immigrate here.
    we have freedoms other countries dont, we have social systems to help those get back on their feet. we have opportunities through education, i could go on.
    and one of the greatest aspects/traits of being truly Canadian is our acceptance of others however different we may be. we work hard to make the best life for our families. we grudgingly pay our taxes to afford us the health care/ social services we will need at some point in our lives. we understand that life isnt always pretty/easy but we persevere. we respect others and expect/hope to be respected in return. we worship as we believe and allow others that same privilege (not right). in some peoples mind these are basic Christian values but they are also basic Canadian Values. in my opinion those are our Canadian values.
    Don Cherry made an error. He shouldnt be vilified for it because many others arent. especially people in the media, on television and movie sets. he should be made aware of his indescretion and given the chance to right the (perceived) wrong. i say perceived because MOST people werent bothered by what he said. they "know" Don Cherry and accept his comments with a grain of salt. we all have elders that we know who make similar comments. it seems to be commonplace in the minds of our seniors - white/black and red. natives and new Canadians. we all have heard it from every nationality. in twenty years time most of those people will have gone to their reward. hopefully when our youths have reached their senior years they dont fall into the same "perspectives" that currently run rampant in those who find it difficult to change and accept new ways. not all new ways are good, but that isnt for us to decide today.
    turn up the volume and turn down the slag.
    as "Dr. Johnny Fever" once said Peace Fellow Babies
    Last edited by icefields; 11-19-2019 at 09:31 PM.

  9. #69

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    1) "You people" drive me nuts!

    At least those wingnuts in Quebec are on the right track with wanting to have a standard Canadian Values exam to gauge prospective immigrants prior to allowing them into Canada. Too bad they sound like Rana pipiens during mating season so the rest of the country doesn't take them seriously.

    If you do not wish to choose to incorporate Canadian Values into your Canadian life, then perhaps you should not become a Canadian! And beyond that, if potential immigrants do not wish to express their interest to incorporate Canadian Values into their Canadian lives, then the damn Canadian Government has no business allowing them into the country in the first place!

    I have had my fair share of encounters with "new" Canadians who clearly do not hold any values that the average Canadian would have.

    What other countries can Canadians go to and be welcomed with open arms like immigrants to Canada are? Pretty much no where.

    Immigrants only want to come to Canada to get free healthcare, and because we have lots of space. They are thinking about themselves and of the free doctors when they choose to come here, they aren't thinking about how they can become a Canadian to make the country of Canada a better place! And then when Don Cherry comes by and mildly rips on them for not wearing poppies they make a big fuss about it.

    2) When dressing up as Aladdin, who is brown-face in nature, wouldn't it be expected that you would have a brown-face to finish off your costume? What colour do you paint your face if you dress up as The Hulk? Does green-face make me racist? If I dressed up as the white-faced Obama then I would be racist, but if I paint black-face on my Obama costume then I am also racist.

    Isn't everyone racist anyways? It is hard-wired into our psyche. It is just basic biological ecology.

    I can find another reason to dislike you, it doesn't have to be because of the colour of your face.

    Yep, just lump every immigrant all into the same lot, because they're all the same. Because they're different from you, they must be bad, right? That's so ignorant it's astonishing.

    Where Don Cherry went wrong, as mentioned earlier in the thread, was that he was clearly talking about immigrants. You can dismiss the "you people" as just a common phrase... until you add the other words about coming to our country and enjoying it while not contributing anything.

    As for racism being hard-wired into someone's psyche..... no, being racist is a choice. It can certainly stem from a number of things, whether it be family influence, believing everything you see or hear, or just plain lack of interaction with other ethnic groups. But to actively choose to not educate yourself, or to automatically associate someone being different from you as being bad, that makes you the problem.

  10. #70

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    Apparently, the final name in Cherry's coffin came from the crew at Hockey Night in the Punjab (apparently a real program).

    Word out of the Rogers building is that several cast members complained to upper management, that Cherry was consistently entering their studio and hanging tree fresheners everywhere.

    With this Vanillaroma travesty coinciding with poppy-gate, Cherry's was told that his only hope of remaining, was to dress-up like Aladdin wearing black-face and apologizing to the Nation while Dey'oh was playing in the background.

    We obviously all know, that Cherry decided against this.

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