Today I opened up five total hobby boxes of 2001-02 Pacific Titanium. After seeing the Datsyuk hit from Maple Leaf Sports Cards a few weeks ago, I figured, what is there to lose and cleared out my own LCS of these boxes.

The prices on these are low enough still where even a rough box won't sting as bad as that tin of The Cup I opened a couple weeks ago.Despite no mega-valuable hits coming out, a lot of really solid pieces still presented themselves, including a pretty short-printed dual patch card!The recap of the best hits begins at the 25:33 mark! Photos of the best hits alone can be found on my Instagram at BRCGoalieMuseum. Thanks for all of the recent likes and subscribes in the last week to everyone who enjoyed my breaks, I'm glad that I could bring some joy to your days! I definitely aim to be more entertaining than some of your average box breakers that can sometimes be devoid of personality and a chore to watch breaking cards.