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Thread: 1920's E210 card set

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2022
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    1920's E210 card set

    Hey fellas!
    I just joined the site today, am new to the world of collectable sports cards, and for my first post I have a question about value I was hoping some of you might be able to help me with..
    I have an old photo album filled with what looks like E210 1920's era baseball cards. They were originally found in the attic of my grandparents' home, my father had them in his possession until 2003 when he passed on and I have had them in storage for the past 19 years. For the last few days I have been searching them individually online trying to determine what their value might be, but the issue is they are pasted onto the pages in the album and I'm not sure what that does to their collectability other than to say they now come as a set.��
    I am not a collector of sports memorabilia myself, so aside from a few well known names within the album I am not entirely sure what they might be worth to someone who is. I sent an email to AuctionReport the other day stating what I have along with some pics, and for the past day I have been getting swamped with calls and emails. I'm just trying to get a better idea of how sought after they are in their condition. Any insight you could share with me would be very much appreciated! I added a few pics below, and here is a Google photos link showing every page in the album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/eTXxDLsbyQA7TCaR6

  2. #2

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    See szczurs's Items on eBay

    I have sold some vintage BB in recent years and can offer "some insight", but your situation is too unique for me to give a hard $ value to what you have -- the collection is mostly E210 (the cars #/s in parenthesis). They were issued in both 1927 and 1928 and w/o checking the backs I can't tell which. You also have some similar vintage candy/ice cream cards, those without parenthesis around the number and some Exhibits which are larger. The "cards" toward the back of the book seem later and include cutouts from "wheaties" or the like. I did NOT check if you have a complete E210 set but that would 60 cards plus two variations.

    The fact that the cards are pasted, although normal in the day, makes your situation more unique. Most collectors deal with individual cards so they can assess condition front and back. Grading cards has become rather the norm for many vintage collectors and I'm not sure how PSA or other companies view "damaged" cards that have paste or paper loss, if removed from the album.

    Given the number of HOF cards you have, there is definitely value -- the Ruth alone would be $1000s, in almost any condition, but the challenge is to find a buyer for the album, as is, OR separate the cards from the album which could be problematic. Checking with an auction house is a good first step, you really need to find somebody who has been through this before.
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