Upper Deck announced Wednesday they are suing Ravensburger and a former UD game designer, claiming they stole and copied the original Upper Deck game and repackaged and marketed it as Lorcana.
Lorcana is a TCG announced late last year and showcased at the D23 Expo, featuring familiar Disney characters. Ravensburger released Collector’s Set and Mickey – Brave Little Tailor promo cards with “D23 Expo” and “1st Edition” marks at the expo.
All Disney Lorcana cards at D23 Expo, whether they are included in the D23 Expo Collector’s Set or the Mickey – Brave Little Tailor promo card, will be available in the first set, Disney Lorcana: The First Chapter being released in Fall 2023.
— Disney Lorcana (@DisneyLorcana) September 10, 2022
President Jason Masherah says Upper Deck invested significant time and resources to develop a “new and novel trading card game.”
More information here: https://t.co/M0BhML2cxc pic.twitter.com/wT3T3vJiVn
— Upper Deck Entertainment (@UpperDeckEnt) June 7, 2023
“Our current leadership values the importance of protecting intellectual property of both Upper Deck and its licensors,” Masherah added. “We encourage competition in the industry, but also strongly believe in playing by the rules to ensure the gaming community benefits from the different creative choices by each manufacturer.”
There is a history of trading card game titles at Upper Deck, such as the Marvel-based Legendary and Vs. System 2PCG.
Lorcana is due to hit shelves on August 18.
The post Upper Deck Suing Ravensburger over Disney Lorcana TCG appeared first on Dave & Adam's News.
