One of the best ways to keep up with replies to the threads you create is to subscribe to them so you get an e-mail when someone replies. You may also want to unsubscribe to threads if the thread's purpose has run its course.

Subscribing to Your Threads
The most common way to subscribe to a thread is by updating the "thread subscription" pull down menu before you click the submit new thread button. You can select:

  • Instant Notification - immediate notification by e-mail when there is a reply
  • Daily Notification - daily summary of replies to all subscriptions. Ensures just one e-mail a day
  • Weekly Notification - weekly summary of replies to all subscriptions. Ensures just one e-mail a week

make your choice and click submit new thread. You will be notified based on your choice.

Subscribing to other member thread

While browsing you may see a thread that you would like to follow. At the top right of the thread click Thread Tools and then Subscribe to this Thread. Make your preferences and you will get updates.

Unsubscribing to Threads
To unsubscribe to a forum thread go to User CP and scroll to towards the bottom left until you find Subscribed Threads. Click on List Subscriptions or View All.

On the next screen, use the check boxes to select the threads you wish to unsubscribe from then click on the drop down menu at the bottom right. Select delete subscription. You can also create folders to manage your subscriptions by clicking Edit Folders on either screen.