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  1. #41

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    I'll stop hating Cena when he stops Boring the he.ll out of me. Three Great matches a year isn't enough to put the title on someone. I can only think of maybe 10 GREAT matches the guy has had his entire WWE Career.

    I Like Cena once upon a time. I really did. i like him right until he stopped being himself and started acting like 08's hulk hogan. Honestly, He had some Really good matches when he was first cutting his teeth with the WWE. His matches with Angle and Jericho were outstanding for a rookie. I loved the Ruthless aggression stuff, and I laugh alot at the the freestyling smartass, wanna be thug. once he moved on to "the Marine" gimmick I just stopped caring. Its not that I don't like him becouse Its cool. I don't like him Because he bores me.

    I do respect him. He has an unlimited amount of heart is tough as nails. And has put on a Few Really Outstanding "Hardcore" style matches. But with out ether someone you Carry the match, or something the Make the match special Cena is simply an Average wrestler witha gift for the mic.

    I feel the same way towards John Cena as I go with Nickleback. They Try really hard to make music everyone likes but in the process end up just turning out crap. I would probably love cena if he was A mid carder. In mid card feuds.

    So what doesnt bore you? High Flyers that just do entertaining moves and no power moves. If Your looking for just high flyers then you shouldnt watch the WWE. A main eventer in the WWE is someone with a lot of power.

  2. #42

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    So what doesnt bore you? High Flyers that just do entertaining moves and no power moves. If Your looking for just high flyers then you shouldnt watch the WWE. A main eventer in the WWE is someone with a lot of power.

    None repetitive wrestlers. HBK, Jericho, Finley, Heck I like Big show somewhat. I love the undertaker. Its just boring for me to watch Cena. And honestly I've met the guy and went out drinking with him before. He is a Super Kickass Guy, and Wish him nothing but the best. But I judt think he is ok. The isn't bad. But he aint great ether.

  3. #43

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    None repetitive wrestlers. HBK, Jericho, Finley, Heck I like Big show somewhat. I love the undertaker. Its just boring for me to watch Cena. And honestly I've met the guy and went out drinking with him before. He is a Super Kickass Guy, and Wish him nothing but the best. But I judt think he is ok. The isn't bad. But he aint great ether.

    I never said he was great. I just said that he wasnt bad in the ring. And other wrestlers repeat moves also.

  4. #44
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    I agree with you on Kane. But i am sick of people like you who think it is the cool thing to not like Cena. You and other IWC Marks are followers that just think its cool to not like him. Just cut the anti cena thing its not that cool anymore.

    I've never liked Cena, i'm not "acting" that i dont like him, my favorite wrestler is Shawn Michaels, always has, always will be..
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  5. #45
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    I never said he was great. I just said that he wasnt bad in the ring. And other wrestlers repeat moves also.

    Yes lots of wrestlers repeat moves, but like Hulk Hogan he does the same process. Hogan always did the same process to lead to winning as does Cena on most nights...

  6. #46

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    Yes lots of wrestlers repeat moves, but like Hulk Hogan he does the same process. Hogan always did the same process to lead to winning as does Cena on most nights...

    I hate hogan. Wrestling is an art form. it should be an thing of beauty, Like a dance. Not the same 8 moves every night.

  7. #47
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    I hate hogan. Wrestling is an art form. it should be an thing of beauty, Like a dance. Not the same 8 moves every night.

    i agree with you, yes we know its scripted, but his was truely all scripted, he always started off head to head, then he becomes the weaker, finds some almighty strength then leg drop...

  8. #48

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    None repetitive wrestlers. HBK, Jericho, Finley, Heck I like Big show somewhat. I love the undertaker. Its just boring for me to watch Cena. And honestly I've met the guy and went out drinking with him before. He is a Super Kickass Guy, and Wish him nothing but the best. But I judt think he is ok. The isn't bad. But he aint great ether.

    Come on, do you really like watching Finlay more than Cena? I know Finlay's respected and all, but that's a bit of a stretch.

    I think you're just a closet Hornswoggle fan

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