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Thread: Trump?

  1. #21

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    Just a few quick thoughts:

    #1) Thank God that Trump won the election and became our 45th President instead of Hillary Clinton
    #2) Hillary Clinton totally avoided and/or lied about federal info. she leaked. If you or I had done what she did we'd have been arrested,jailed, and probably tried by now.
    #3) Trump, so far, has done much more in the short time in office than any other President that I know of during my lifetime (that means since at least 1951).
    4) Why didn't the people of our nation re-unite, like we've done before, once the 'new" President took office? We've NEVER, and NEVER WILL, vote 100% nationwide for a Presidential candidate. But after the swearing in of a President, in the past until Trump being sworn in 01/20/17, as a NATION we got back together.
    5) Why are a good amount of our people acting like babies? Why are they causing problems and stirring things up? They didn't act like babies when Obama was in office. And under his leadership, in my opinion, he didn't do the nation well. So, since they didn't get their way they now have to complain,cry, and blame Trump for everything. Grow up citizens of the U.S.A.
    6) Why do we now follow what a good portion of Hollywood actors and actresses do and run our President down? A good portion of those from Hollywood said they'd LEAVE the U.S.A. if/when Trump became President. Well, he's now President AND THEY ARE STILL HERE! If anyone lies it sure is a good amount of Hollywood, and unfortunately a lot of other Americans are following those liars.
    7) A lot of "social media"/news programs/etc. try to blow things up. They often take something that is very very small, but if they don't like the way Trump has handled it it becomes something HUGE. And once they do that the "cry babies" start getting upset,rioting,protesting,etc ALL OVER AGAIN. America GROW UP. None of us will NEVER EVER get EVERYTHING we want. If you think it can be done you're CRAZY, and need to go to a planet where you'll be the only one there and EVERYTHING can be done the way you want and by the person you want to do it - YOURSELF.
    8) We put up with Obama for eight years, and he surely didn't do a really good job for the U.S.A. So, why can't we re-unite as the people of the U.S.A. and give Trump a chance. If after his term is over, and we don't like what he did in it, he can be replaced by VOTING him out. But at least give him, and the country itself, a chance. If the "cry babies' don't stop "crying' they aren't going to be able to "see" and our NATION will go into a negative direction and it will be their fault, not the President's.
    9) We, as a nation, need to come together. If we need to get rid of anyone, we need to get rid of those who keep stirring things up.
    10) Will Trump as President do everything right and that ALL Americans will like, NO. However, NO President in U.S.A. history has EVER been able to do that, and NEVER WILL. So, again, we need to come together as a NATION during his Presidency, as we've done in the past and move forward. And, at the end of the term, if you think the opposing candidate is better than re-electing Trump(if he runs again), then vote the other candidate in. But 'cry babies' PLEASE GROW UP soon so our country can get back on pace. And those of you that are just PICKY PICKY PICKY, and want to keep stirring things up, please LEAVE the U.S.A. as you said you would, but haven't done (evidently you can't be trusted). All you're doing is bringing our Nation down. It's not Trump bringing the U.S.A. down, it's you ("cry babies","liars",etc.). Were YOU raised in a way that YOU always got what you wanted,when you wanted, and how you wanted? I've NEVER met anyone in my life who has, but that's the exact way you've been, and are acting, since Trump was elected, sworn in, and started his Presidency. GROW UP.

    Sorry for the long post, I just had to get this off my chest. Hopefully, we of the U.S.A., will again become the "...One Nation Under God...". How can "God Bless America" when he see's what He's now seeing? As was said a good while ago "a divided nation cannot stand". Do you want to destroy the U.S.A. ? It seems like a good number of Americans don't CARE. They couldn't get their way so they've decide to cause problems. As a parent would say to his/her kids, that most of us heard at least once, "GET OVER IT". Ever coaches tell that to players/teams. Just because a team lost today does that mean the QUIT the league/conference/etc? No, they continue. Only ONE team WON the SUPER BOWL this year, but none of the other NFL teams left the league because of what team won. No teams dropped out of MLB because the CUBS won the W S. No teams left the NBA because the Cavaliers won the NBA Title. The "other teams" didn't "cry"/"protest"/voice to "leave"/etc because they didn't like who won or because they didn't get the championship. They'll come back,play by the rules, and try to WIN the next season. But they don't do it by trying to demoralize, or run out, the CURRENT CHAMPION (winner). So, WHY CAN'T WE, AS PEOPLE OF THE U.S.A., DO IT IN A SIMILAR WAY? Think about it. Thanks for reading. Have a good day.

  2. #22

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    My replies are in bolded red font, in situ below:

    Just a few quick thoughts:

    #1) Thank God that Trump won the election and became our 45th President instead of Hillary Clinton
    Amen! I didn't vote for "The Donald" but I believe Hillary would have been a far, far worse President, no doubt about it.

    #2) Hillary Clinton totally avoided and/or lied about federal info. she leaked. If you or I had done what she did we'd have been arrested,jailed, and probably tried by now.
    I agree.

    #3) Trump, so far, has done much more in the short time in office than any other President that I know of during my lifetime (that means since at least 1951).
    I agree.

    4) Why didn't the people of our nation re-unite, like we've done before, once the 'new" President took office? We've NEVER, and NEVER WILL, vote 100% nationwide for a Presidential candidate. But after the swearing in of a President, in the past until Trump being sworn in 01/20/17, as a NATION we got back together.
    I believe it's because in most elections there is no real difference between the Republican and Democratic candidate as both party's candidate is little more than a puppet and someone who is under the influence and even control of the Deep State and Globalists. Trump is not however and therefore neither the RNC or the DNC wanted him to win as he's a true wild-card and they don't want someone to be POTUS if they can't control him.

    5) Why are a good amount of our people acting like babies? Why are they causing problems and stirring things up? They didn't act like babies when Obama was in office. And under his leadership, in my opinion, he didn't do the nation well. So, since they didn't get their way they now have to complain,cry, and blame Trump for everything. Grow up citizens of the U.S.A.

    Many of the so-called "protesters" are in reality paid actors. However there are a great many people who are basically brain-washed and who allow the main stream media to think for them and those are the folks who are having break-downs and fits over the recent election.

    6) Why do we now follow what a good portion of Hollywood actors and actresses do and run our President down? A good portion of those from Hollywood said they'd LEAVE the U.S.A. if/when Trump became President. Well, he's now President AND THEY ARE STILL HERE! If anyone lies it sure is a good amount of Hollywood, and unfortunately a lot of other Americans are following those liars.

    Americans, and in fact, many citizens in every country are little more than proles who are self-consumed and who focus on frivolous issues; they simply don't seem capable of truly thinking for themselves and drawing correct conclusions without emotional bias coming into play.

    7) A lot of "social media"/news programs/etc. try to blow things up. They often take something that is very very small, but if they don't like the way Trump has handled it it becomes something HUGE. And once they do that the "cry babies" start getting upset,rioting,protesting,etc ALL OVER AGAIN. America GROW UP. None of us will NEVER EVER get EVERYTHING we want. If you think it can be done you're CRAZY, and need to go to a planet where you'll be the only one there and EVERYTHING can be done the way you want and by the person you want to do it - YOURSELF.

    The main stream media is bought and paid for an entirely biased. The "news" is little more than propaganda. Many people are waking up to this fact which is why many citizen-journalists and independent news organizations are now far more popular than CNN, ABC, NBC and the like.

    8) We put up with Obama for eight years, and he surely didn't do a really good job for the U.S.A. So, why can't we re-unite as the people of the U.S.A. and give Trump a chance. If after his term is over, and we don't like what he did in it, he can be replaced by VOTING him out. But at least give him, and the country itself, a chance. If the "cry babies' don't stop "crying' they aren't going to be able to "see" and our NATION will go into a negative direction and it will be their fault, not the President's.

    I don't believe it's really "the people" that are against Trump but the Globalists and the Globalist-funded and controlled main stream media and they are not interested in getting things back on the course they planned in 8 years time. They want what they want now and will do whatever they can to make such happen. If they cannot get Trump to resign or get him impeached I do believe they will try to assassinate him. Trump is the Republican JFK ...

    9) We, as a nation, need to come together. If we need to get rid of anyone, we need to get rid of those who keep stirring things up.
    I would like to see an arrest warrant issued for George Soros similar to the Warrant out for him in Russia. I would also like to see treason charges filed where applicable. However, I'm not sure if either will happen.

    10) Will Trump as President do everything right and that ALL Americans will like, NO. However, NO President in U.S.A. history has EVER been able to do that, and NEVER WILL. So, again, we need to come together as a NATION during his Presidency, as we've done in the past and move forward. And, at the end of the term, if you think the opposing candidate is better than re-electing Trump(if he runs again), then vote the other candidate in. But 'cry babies' PLEASE GROW UP soon so our country can get back on pace. And those of you that are just PICKY PICKY PICKY, and want to keep stirring things up, please LEAVE the U.S.A. as you said you would, but haven't done (evidently you can't be trusted). All you're doing is bringing our Nation down. It's not Trump bringing the U.S.A. down, it's you ("cry babies","liars",etc.). Were YOU raised in a way that YOU always got what you wanted,when you wanted, and how you wanted? I've NEVER met anyone in my life who has, but that's the exact way you've been, and are acting, since Trump was elected, sworn in, and started his Presidency. GROW UP.
    The left is not interested in civil debate and would rather simply silence those they don't agree with than debate them in the public market. That is dangerous but it is the world we live in now. It used to be the left that stood for freedom of expression and speech and the right that looked like the hypocritical puritans and thought police ... now the shoe is on the other foot.

    Sorry for the long post, I just had to get this off my chest. Hopefully, we of the U.S.A., will again become the "...One Nation Under God...". How can "God Bless America" when he see's what He's now seeing? As was said a good while ago "a divided nation cannot stand". Do you want to destroy the U.S.A. ? It seems like a good number of Americans don't CARE. They couldn't get their way so they've decide to cause problems. As a parent would say to his/her kids, that most of us heard at least once, "GET OVER IT". Ever coaches tell that to players/teams. Just because a team lost today does that mean the QUIT the league/conference/etc? No, they continue. Only ONE team WON the SUPER BOWL this year, but none of the other NFL teams left the league because of what team won. No teams dropped out of MLB because the CUBS won the W S. No teams left the NBA because the Cavaliers won the NBA Title. The "other teams" didn't "cry"/"protest"/voice to "leave"/etc because they didn't like who won or because they didn't get the championship. They'll come back,play by the rules, and try to WIN the next season. But they don't do it by trying to demoralize, or run out, the CURRENT CHAMPION (winner). So, WHY CAN'T WE, AS PEOPLE OF THE U.S.A., DO IT IN A SIMILAR WAY? Think about it. Thanks for reading. Have a good day.
    I honestly believe most normal Americans simply don't understand what's really at play and at stake. They are simply acting n their emotions and acting with a crowd mentality, fueled by group-think and as puppets of the Globalists. The real issue is not normal Democrat citizens vs. normal Republican citizens, but Globalist elites and Corporate global interests vs. nationalists and truly American interests. The elite has n interest in any nation having true sovereignty, they want open borders and free trade to keep the money flowing.

  3. #23

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    Greatest leader we've ever had, bigly. Makes Lincoln and Washington look like total schmucks. Mark it down on your calendar, we're moving Presidents Day from February over to June 14.

  4. #24

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    Greatest leader we've ever had, bigly. Makes Lincoln and Washington look like total schmucks. Mark it down on your calendar, we're moving Presidents Day from February over to June 14.

    I see you're being cheeky ... but ... Washington owned slaves and Lincoln was against inter-racial relationships and believed whites were "superior" to blacks ... so ... any modern leftist should consider Trump a better POTUS than Washington or Lincoln, no?

  5. #25

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    I see you're being cheeky ... but ... Washington owned slaves and Lincoln was against inter-racial relationships and believed whites were "superior" to blacks ... so ... any modern leftist should consider Trump a better POTUS than Washington or Lincoln, no?

    The "leftist" insinuation is actually pretty hilarious.

  6. #26

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    The "leftist" insinuation is actually pretty hilarious.

    I don't know you from Adam ... I just took your comment as a cheeky dig at Trump and figured you were a leftist ...

  7. #27

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    I don't know you from Adam ... I just took your comment as a cheeky dig at Trump and figured you were a leftist ...

    How typically myopic. Either you love him or you're a "leftist."

    Quite predictable.

  8. #28

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    How typically myopic. Either you love him or you're a "leftist."

    Quite predictable.

    Don't be absurd ... I didn't even vote for Trump, but your comment did seem like something a "leftist" would say, obviously ... try not to be so touchy.

  9. #29

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    Not being touchy, just seeing a pattern of seeing the world in strictly black and white popping up once again.

  10. #30

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    Not being touchy, just seeing a pattern of seeing the world in strictly black and white popping up once again.

    Not at all ... I'm not a Republican nor Democrat ... I don't even vote for Biblical reasons ... I just call it like I see it which might be why I like "The Donald" so much :-)

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