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Mats Naslund Addresses Report   Sport: Hockey

Player overall success: 100%

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and use the TTMM application to track what they sent!

Address success percentage: 100%    
Total number of submission on this address: 8
# of Success: 8  # of Failed: 0  # of Pending: 0
Instruction:Send money or use this website ( for return postage
Added by:twing97   Added on: 08-18-2020
NameDate MailedDate ReceivedStatusDaysRatioCommentImage
josh2006 03-03-202405-16-2024Success 734/4HWLOR, SASE and $3 for postage. Thank you Mr. Naslund.
bigd8690 01-03-202402-20-2024Success 483/3Sent 3 cards. Received all signed 
Marcp 08-21-202309-11-2023Success 214/4  
typierre75 12-19-202012-27-2020Success 81/1  
MarekP 11-30-202012-15-2020Success 151/1Nice blue sharpie signed photo 
iBleedGreen 09-19-202010-19-2020Success 306/6SASE, $2 USD, LOR; 84-85 OPC, 86-87 Topps, 95-96 Donruss, 95-96 Fleer & 94-95 Score signed in blue sharpie w/jersey numbers. 
jalnh1 08-29-202010-20-2020Success 522/2  
twing97 05-11-202008-18-2020Success 991/1 


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