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Trey Hodges Addresses Report   Sport: Baseball

Player overall success: 100%

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Address success percentage: 100%    
Total number of submission on this address: 19
# of Success: 19  # of Failed: 0  # of Pending: 0
Added by:blwinborn36   Added on: 09-22-2019
NameDate MailedDate ReceivedStatusDaysRatioCommentImage
adamd 05-13-202405-22-2024Success 91/12004 Topps card signed in black. thanks Mr. Hodges 
capaap 04-13-202404-28-2024Success 151/1 
elGarycards 01-02-202401-16-2024Success 141/1  
jacobpfe 12-26-202301-08-2024Success 131/12003 topps relic card 
Cjtherien 12-21-202301-08-2024Success 181/1 
702tpr777 11-03-202311-14-2023Success 112/22004 Topps, 2004 Topps Total... Thanks Mr. Hodges! 
jacobpfe 05-26-202306-03-2023Success 81/104 topps 
ddisbrow29 11-04-202211-12-2022Success 81/1‘02 Upper Deck Victory in black sharpie 
chef 10-10-202210-22-2022Success 121/1  
thegonz 04-30-202205-07-2022Success 74/402UDCent, 02FTradUp, 04T, 04TTot 
TribeFan83 04-27-202205-03-2022Success 63/33 signed in black, thanks Mr. Hodges! 
bzap62 04-12-202204-23-2022Success 111/104 Topps 
jedistiles 03-18-202204-04-2022Success 171/1Signed a '03 Donruss Champions card in black. Thanks Mr. Hodges! 
Bballgrl1891 01-20-202201-27-2022Success 72/2  
bernst90 12-20-202101-03-2022Success 141/1Signed 2004 Topps 
pedersom 09-01-202009-11-2020Success 101/1  
ahuggins81 04-21-202004-29-2020Success 81/1Sent a card, LOR and a it back signed
ddisbrow29 04-03-202004-14-2020Success 112/2Sent Trey 2 2002 Upper Deck cards, LOR and SASE, both cards came back signed in black sharpie 
blwinborn36 09-22-201910-03-2019Success 112/2  


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