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Gene Locklear Addresses Report   Sport: Baseball

Player overall success: 85%

   Only registered members on SCF forum can view addresses
and use the TTMM application to track what they sent!

Address success percentage: 82%    
Total number of submission on this address: 14
# of Success: 9  # of Failed: 2  # of Pending: 3
Added by:chekers   Added on: 05-30-2009
NameDate MailedDate ReceivedStatusDaysRatioCommentImage
Oriolesrise 02-10-2024 Pending -1/076 Topps 
mbarnhill 09-23-2023 Pending -1/076T 
DOwen14 07-08-2023 Failure -2/0Sent 2 cards one for me and my dad. Calling this a fail 
thegonz 04-19-202108-30-2021Success 1332/275T, 76T 
Sfg2829 03-30-202104-10-2021Failure 111/0RTS 
chef 01-07-202108-14-2021Success 2181/1El Cajon 
midnightoyl 12-09-202009-07-2021Success 2712/2Came back with a Phoenix postmark? 
nccards 06-17-202001-01-2021Success 1981/1  
pbtank67 11-26-201802-11-2019Success 771/175T. Nicely signed in blue sharpie. 
ebelote81 05-09-2018 Pending -1/01975 Topps, LOR, SASE 
bdmorr 02-19-201805-24-2018Success 932/2  
Calebssportscards 08-21-201702-15-2018Success 1781/14 x 6 photo signed
tonyt1957 05-04-201506-11-2015Success 381/176/TOPPS/singed black sharpee 
levi 11-17-201103-30-2012Success 1331/11976 Topps 
   Only registered members on SCF forum can view addresses
and use the TTMM application to track what they sent!

Address success percentage: 100%    
Total number of submission on this address: 2
# of Success: 2  # of Failed: 0  # of Pending: 0
Added by:Restau21   Added on: 03-27-2024
NameDate MailedDate ReceivedStatusDaysRatioCommentImage
NYYJMM 03-25-202405-13-2024Success 493/21975 Topps Padres team card and 1976 Topps signed in black. He kept my 1975 Topps
Restau21 02-16-202403-27-2024Success 391/276 Topps and an IC signed in black. Thank You Mr. Locklear. 


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