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Kirk Presley Addresses Report   Sport: Baseball

Player overall success: 100%

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and use the TTMM application to track what they sent!

Address success percentage: 100%    
Total number of submission on this address: 2
# of Success: 1  # of Failed: 0  # of Pending: 1
Instruction:former Mets prospect
Added by:levi   Added on: 03-27-2011
NameDate MailedDate ReceivedStatusDaysRatioCommentImage
Countrykid91 05-15-2012 Pending -1/0'94 upper deck 
levi 03-28-201104-18-2011Success 215/51994 Topps x2, Pinnacle, Score, Score Gold Rush 
   Only registered members on SCF forum can view addresses
and use the TTMM application to track what they sent!

Address success percentage: 100%    
Total number of submission on this address: 27
# of Success: 25  # of Failed: 0  # of Pending: 2
Instruction:Saw this on a ttm success video 2020
Added by:Trextill   Added on: 07-13-2020
NameDate MailedDate ReceivedStatusDaysRatioCommentImage
jacobpfe 12-08-2023 Pending -1/0  
RobSpires 08-23-2023 Pending -1/0LOR/SASE, 94 Topps 
CRM302 05-02-202308-22-2023Success 1121/1Sent 1993 Upper Deck Collector's Choice. Signed in black sharpie. Thanks Mr. Presley! 
Bigtiny 11-01-202212-02-2022Success 313/394 pinnacle draft pick in black sharpie 
Jabroni-Mets-Fan 07-22-202208-15-2022Success 241/11993 Classic 
Tan-da-Man 04-18-202208-15-2022Success 1191/3Sent a letter, SASE, and a 1994 Topps baseball card. He wrote me a letter back saying my return envelope got returned to him ripped in half (my card got stolen) He was nice enough to sign 3 extra cards and send them back to me. Thanks, Mr. Presley!
1962Mets 04-16-202204-25-2022Success 92/0!994 Topps and 1994 Upper deck w/SASE Black Sharpie 
mikeC3 03-10-202204-25-2022Success 452/21994 Pinnacle & Topps. Thank Mr Presley
PeterML12 02-15-202203-01-2022Success 143/33 signed. Quick Turnaround. Postmarked from Nashville, TN 
Bballgrl1891 02-10-202202-28-2022Success 181/1  
Jabroni-Mets-Fan 01-11-202201-26-2022Success 151/11994 Bowman 
crbaughn62 11-05-202111-15-2021Success 103/3with inscription
Gableinn12 10-14-202111-13-2021Success 301/194 Topps 
Bordercityboy 06-25-202107-26-2021Success 311/194UD w letter and SASE 
bernst90 06-17-202108-09-2021Success 531/1Signed 1994 Classic 
Oriolesrise 04-03-202104-27-2021Success 241/394 UD SP plus index 
pedersom 02-05-202102-17-2021Success 121/1  
Moss84 02-01-202102-16-2021Success 154/4still trading for ALL K. Presley cards. trading4vintage on almost reached halfway on my goal! 
dodgers10 01-19-202102-16-2021Success 281/195UD 
thegonz 12-28-202001-11-2021Success 143/394BB, 94CC, 94S 
Travish33 12-07-202012-21-2020Success 141/1Index card SASE. Signed IC 
papajoe 12-02-202001-11-2021Success 401/11994 Score signed in black sharpie 
Stebbins25 10-27-202011-23-2020Success 273/3(2) Baseball Cards - (1) Blank Index Card 
Moss84 10-23-202011-23-2020Success 316/6sent christmas card and 6 cards I'm currently trading for all presley cards user name is TRADING4VINTAGE 
JamesBearsFan 09-16-202010-05-2020Success 193/3Signed in black!
rich summa 09-11-202009-21-2020Success 101/193 Collectors Choice 
Moss84 06-02-202007-25-2020Success 533/4signed 3+1 and answered questions. hell of a nice guy 


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